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001-es BibID:BIBFORM030574
Első szerző:Nagy Veronika
Cím:N-(4-Substituted-benzoyl)-N'-(beta-d-glucopyranosyl)ureas as inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase : Synthesis and evaluation by kinetic, crystallographic, and molecular modelling methods / Veronika Nagy, Nóra Felföldi, Bálint Kónya, Jean-Pierre Praly, Tibor Docsa, Pál Gergely, Evangelia D. Chrysina, Costas Tiraidis, Magda N. Kosmopoulou, Kyra-Melinda Alexacou, Maria Konstantakaki, Demetres D. Leonidas, Spyros E. Zographos, Nikos G. Oikonomakos, Stanislav Kozmon, Igor Tvaroška, László Somsák
Megjegyzések:N-(4-Substituted-benzoyl)-N'-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl) ureas (substituents: Me, Ph, Cl, OH, OMe, NO2, NH2, COOH, and COOMe) were synthesised by ZnCl2 catalysed acylation of O-peracetylated beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea as well as in reactions of O-peracetylated or O-unprotected glucopyranosylamines and acyl-isocyanates. O-deprotections were carried out by base or acid catalysed transesterifications where necessary. Kinetic studies revealed that most of these compounds were low micromolar inhibitors of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b (RMGPb). The best inhibitor was the 4-methylbenzoyl compound (Ki = 2.3 nM). Crystallographic analyses of complexes of several of the compounds with RMGPb showed that the analogues exploited, together with water molecules, the available space at the beta-pocket subsite and induced a more extended shift of the 280s loop compared to RMGPb in complex with the unsubstituted benzoyl urea. The results suggest the key role of the water molecules in ligand binding and structure-based ligand design. Molecular docking study of selected inhibitors was done to show the ability of the binding affinity prediction. The binding affinity of the highest scored docked poses was calculated and correlated with experimentally measured Ki values. Results show that correlation is high with the R-squared (R2) coefficient over 0.9.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
N-Acyl-N'-beta-D-glucopyranosyl ureas
Glycogen phosphorylase
X-ray crystallography
Molecular docking
Megjelenés:Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. - 20 : 5 (2012), p. 1801-1816. -
További szerzők:Felföldi Nóra (1979-) (vegyész) Kónya Bálint (1984-) (vegyész) Praly, Jean-Pierre Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Chrysina, Evangelia D. Tiraidis, Costas Kosmopoulou, Magda N. Alexacou, Kyra-Melinda Konstantakaki, Maria Leonidas, Demetres D. Zographos, Spyros E. Oikonomakos, Nikos G. Kozmon, Stanislav Tvaroška, Igor Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Új típusú glikomimetikumok szintézise, kölcsönhatásaik és hasznosításuk tanulmányozása
I. Protein foszfatázok szerepe az in vitro porcdifferenciációban és a mechano-transzdukcióban, II. Hypoglykaemiás szerek tervezése a glikogén foszforilázra (foszforilációval és defoszforilációval szabályozott kulcsenzim) ható molekulákkal
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM004155
Első szerző:Somsák László (vegyész)
Cím:Assessment of synthetic methods for the preparation of N-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-N'-substituted ureas, -thioureas and related compounds / László Somsák, Nóra Felföldi, Bálint Kónya, Csaba Hüse, Katalin Telepó, Éva Bokor, Katalin Czifrák
Megjegyzések:Preparation of O-peracetylated N-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-N'-acyl urea derivatives resulted in the formation of anomeric mixtures under the following conditions: acylation of O-peracetylated beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea by acyl chlorides in the presence of ZnCl2 in refluxing CHCl3; addition of O-peracetylated beta-D-glucopyranosylamine to acyl isocyanates in acetonitrile at rt; addition of carboxamides to in situ prepared O-peracetylated beta-D-glucopyranosyl isocyanate in refluxing toluene. Deprotection of O-peracetylated N-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-N'-acyl ureas either under base (NaOMe in MeOH at or below rt) or under acid (KHSO4 or AcCl in MeOH at rt) catalyzed transesterification conditions resulted in unavoidable partial cleavage of the N'-acyl moieties. Reaction of beta-D-glucopyranosylammonium carbamate with an isocyanate, isothiocyanate or isoselenocyanate in dry pyridine at rt appears as a general method for the preparation of the corresponding beta-D-glucopyranosyl ureas, -thio- and -selenoureas, respectively, inclusive N'-acyl derivatives.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Acyl urea
Megjelenés:Carbohydrate Research. - 343 : 12 (2008), p. 2083-2093. -
További szerzők:Hüse Csaba Felföldi Nóra (1979-) (vegyész) Kónya Bálint (1984-) (vegyész) Kútvölgyi Katalin (1982-) (vegyész) Bokor Éva (1982-) (vegyész) Czifrák Katalin (1978-) (vegyész)
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