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001-es BibID:BIBFORM007589
Első szerző:Árvainé Molnár Adrien (matematikus)
Cím:Interaktív tábla a műszaki ábrázoló geometria oktatásában / Árvainé Molnár Adrien, Fazekas Sarolta
Megjegyzések:The Information and Communication Technology is more, than a new educational tool, it has a conspicuous effect on development and quality of education. We used an interactive whiteboard to introduce the perspective mapping for the students in first year in major architect of the Faculty of Engineering. Our aim is to introduce a visual tool that can replace the physical models, to approximate them to the newly developed teaching technologies, make the new perspectives open and take the lifelong learning schema. With a curriculum built upon the geometry application named Geogebra, helps us to put the ICT into practice. This way, the logical relationships and creative thinking can be achieved more easily. Moreover, our goal was to develop the space-vision, to assist the recognition of concepts and relationships and to enlarge the amount of illustrations, because the descriptive geometry is a base of the study of further profession. The following report contains the resume of introducing of ICT.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
interaktív tábla
ábrázoló geometria
Megjelenés:15th "Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days" : international conference : Debrecen, ... 15-16 October 2009 / szerk. Kalmár Ferenc, Kocsis Imre, Csomós György, Csáki Imre. - p. 378-383. -
További szerzők:Fazekas Sarolta
Internet cím:elektronikus változat
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