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001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Benyó Mátyás (urológus)
Perzisztáló Müller cső szindróma : esetbemutatás / Benyó Mátyás, Drabik Gyula, Molnár Zsuzsanna, Mokánszki Attila, Újfalusi Anikó, Flaskó Tibor, Varga Attila
Perzisztáló Müller cső szindróma esetén belső női nemi szervek (uterus, cervix és proximális vagina) találhatók meg 46XY kariotípusú férfiban. A 19 éves férfi kórtörténetében jobb oldali inguinalisan retineált here és hypospadiasis volt. Bal here hiánya miatt elvégzett hasi és medencei MR vizsgálat csökevényes prosztatát, a hólyag mögött 6 cm-es myometriummal rendelkező uterust, a húgycső mögött 6cm-es vaginát írt le. Kariotipizálás 46 XY férfi genotípust igazolt. Multidiszciplináris konzultáció a Müller cső maradványok sebészi eltávolítása mellett döntött. Hysterectomiát követő szövettani elemzés igazolta a hüvely, a méh és a petevezeték jelenlétét, továbbá a bal oldali tuba uterina végén detektálta az atrophiás bal herét. A Perzisztáló Müller cső szindróma kezelésének alapvető céljai: a reproduktív funkció helyreállítása, illetve a malignitás kialakulásának megelőzése. Minden kombinált fejlődési rendellenesség esetén képalkotó vizsgálat illetve gyanú esetén diagnosztikus laparoszkópia javasolt.
Klinikai orvostudományok
magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Magyar Andrológia. - 19 : 3 (2014), p. 63-66. -
További szerzők:
Drabik Gyula (1978-) (urológus, andrológus)
Molnár Zsuzsanna (1980-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Ujfalusi Anikó (1968-) (gyermekorvos, laboratóriumi szakorvos)
Flaskó Tibor (1960-) (urológus)
Varga Attila (1949-) (urológus, andrológus)
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Jakab Attila (szülész-nőgyógyász, endokrinológus)
Sperm biomarkers in male infertility and testicular cancer : genetic, epigenetic and functional examinations / Jakab Attila, Benyó Mátyás, Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa, Békési Gyöngyi, Mokánszki Attila, Oláh Éva, Molnár Zsuzsanna
Klinikai orvostudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Giornale Italiano di ostetricia e ginecologia. - 38 : 1 (2016), p. 103-106. -
További szerzők:
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa (1946-) (embriológus)
Békési Gyöngyi
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Oláh Éva (1943-2019) (gyermekgyógyász, klinikai genetikus)
Molnár Zsuzsanna (1980-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Jakab Attila (szülész-nőgyógyász, endokrinológus)
Correlation between sperm chromatin decondensation, density, aneuploidy and hyaluronic binding capacity / Jakab, A., Benyó, M., Mokanszki, A., Bazsáné, K. Z., Molnár, Z.
Study question: Whether there is relation between sperm chromatin deconden- sation, concentration, hialuronic acid (HA) binding capacity and aneuploidy of semen samples of fertile, normozoospermic and infertile, oligozoospermic men?Summary answer: There are correlations between sperm condensation and the examined biomarkers, irrespective to fertility status. The sperm conden- sation rate, HA bindig capacity related fertility potential and sperm density are strongly related. Also, there is relation between sperm condensation and aneuploidy rate.What is known already: Importance of sperm biomarkers are increasing in male infertility. Beside genetic integrity and fertilization potential tests, epigen- etic studies came to the front. Chromatin decondensation is related to persistent histones detected by aniline blue, while HA binding capacity reflects genetic integrity and maturity related fertilization potential. Paralel evaluation of test results improves the understanding the regulation mechanisms of spermatogen- esis and fertilization, may help in choosing the most effective therapeutic ap- proach and sperm selection for assisted reproduction.Study design, size, duration: This is a cross-sectional study examining semen of 20 infertile, oligozoospermic and 20 fertile, normozoospermic men attend- ing at the Andrology Center and the Sperm Cryopreservation Laboratory. Participants/materials, setting, methods: The ejaculates were assessed as per WHO guidelines. Hyaluronic acid binding capacity test was the func- tional test. To determine the numerical chromosome aberrations we used multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for chromosomes X, Y and 17. Aniline blue staining was performed as a nuclear decondensation marker test.Main results and the role of chance: In normozoospermic samples mean sperm concentration was 73,4 M/mL, rate of decondensed sperm nuclei detected by aniline blue 16.2%, HA-binding capacity 82% and estimated an- euploidy rate 4.12%. In the oligozoospermic samples mean sperm concentra- tion was 7.13 M/mL, rate of dencondensed nuclei 41.8%, HA binding capacity 47.5% and the estimated aneuploidy rate 6.17%. All examined parameters dif- fer significantly, if samples below and over 20% decondensation compared. There are inverse correlations between sperm decondensation and sperm con- centration (r = -0.876), as well as sperm decondensation and hyaluronic binding capacity (r = -0.876). Sperm decondensation rate is also related to aneuploidy rate (r = 0.559).Limitations, reason for caution: Data on confounders influencing sperm characteristics such as smoking, occupational or environmental hazards, co- morbidities were not collected.Wider implications of the findings: Although chromatin condensation occurs in late phase of spermatogenesis, it shows correlation with cytogenetic abnor- malities and membrane remodelling, irrespective to the fertility status. It can be explained with a common regulation mechanism, thus malfunction of it can result in various sperm defects on different levels. However, since examined biomarkers reflect different sperm defects, they cannot replace each other. Study funding/competing interest(s): Funding by national/international organization(s) ? This research was supported by the European Union and the State of Hungary, co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of TÁMOP 4.2.4.A/ 2-11/1-2012-0001Trial registration number: NA.Keywords: sperm function, sperm biomarkers, sperm decondensation, sperm aneuploidy, hyaluronic binding capacity
Klinikai orvostudományok
idézhető absztrakt
sperm function
sperm biomarkers
sperm decondensation
sperm aneuploidy
sperm hyaluronic bindig capacity
Human Reproduction. - 30 : Suppl (2015). p. i159. -
További szerzők:
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa (1946-) (embriológus)
Molnár Zsuzsanna (1980-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
035-os BibID:
Article ID: P-008
Első szerző:
Jakab Attila (szülész-nőgyógyász, endokrinológus)
Sperm fertilization potential and chromosomal anomalies at decreased sperm concentration : differences between testicular cancer patients and infertile men / A. Jakab, A. Mokánszki, A. Varga, M. Benyó, Z. Kassai, E. Oláh, Z. Molnár
Study questionTo compare the sperm hyaluronic acid (HA) binding capacity and aneuploidy frequency of testicular germ cell carcinoma (TGCC) patients and infertile men without testicular cancer, but with decreased sperm concentrations.Summary answerWhile decreased fertilization potential reflected by low HA binding are related to low sperm count in both groups, elevated frequencies of chromosomal abnormalities are detected only in infertile, but not in TGCC patients. Qualitative spermiogenesis seems to be dissimilarly defected in TGCC and in infertile men without testicular cancer.What is known alreadyQuantitative spermatogenesis is known to be defected in men with TGCC, but little is known about the sperm quality and whether oligozoospermia arises from testicular alteration due the surgery or the tumor. Cryopreservation is the standard choice to preserve fertility. Infertile men with low sperm concentrations have higher frequency of aneuploid spermatozoa, which can be transmitted with assisted reproduction. HA binding capacity related to sperm maturity, viability, normal chromatin structure and fertilization potential.Study design, size, durationThis analysis is part of a prospective cohort study recruiting TGCC patients referred for cryopreservation and infertile men referred for genetic and functional sperm analysis in an academic tertiary center from 2010 to 2012. In this analysis patients with sperm count <40M/mL were included before treatment.Participants/materials, setting, methodsTwenty-one TGCC patients and 26 infertile men were examined. Spermiogram, Hyaluronan Binding Assay (HBA) was performed on native samples, HBA scores (%Bound = 100xBound Motile/Total Motile) were calculated. Sperm aneuploidy and diploidy frequency were examined with triple-color FISH scoring ca.5,000 spermatozoa of each individuals, then estimated numerical chromosome aberrations were calculated.Main results and the role of chanceMean sperm concentration was slightly higher (18.7 M/mL, range 6-35) in TGCC patients (mean age 28.7, range 18-37) than in infertile men (12.3 M/mL, range 1-39, mean age 34.4, 27-42) (p < 0.05). HBA score was 54.1% (range 8-86.5) in TGCC patients and even lower, 38.7% (0-83) in the infertile group (p < 0.05). The X/Y ratio were close to 1:1 in both groups. Estimated numerical chromosome aberrations were higher in the infertile than in the TGCC group (6.08% vs. 4.12%, p < 0.001), with elevations of both autosomal aneuploidies (0.11% vs. 0.07% of disomies 17, p < 0.001) and diploidies (0.30% vs. 0.15%, p < 0.001), but not sex chromosome disomies (0.41% vs. 0.40%, p = 0.1628). Samples normality was analysed using Shapiro-Wilk test, homogenity with Barlett test and the significance level with Two-sample t-probe.Limitations, reason for cautionMean sperm concentration is higher in TGCC patients than in the infertile group, since considering the limited amount for cryopreservation only samples < 6 M/mL were used for study purposes in those men.Wider implications of the findingsLow fertilization potential reflected in decreased sperm count and low hyaluronic binding capacity occurs in both TGCC and infertile patients. However, while the sperm aneuploidy in increased in infertile men, TGCC patients show similar rate to normal population. The presence of cancer does not increase the frequency of sperm numerical chromosomal aberrations. Thus, unlike in oligozoospermic infertile men, semen cryopreservation and assisted reproduction in TGCC do not increase risk of transmitting major genetic defects.Study funding/competing interest(s)Study was founded by the participating institutions and by the PhD scholarships. No competing interest declared.
Klinikai orvostudományok
idézhető absztrakt
testicular cancer
hyaluronic binding capacity
Human Reproduction. - 28 : S1 (2013), [2] p. -
További szerzők:
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Varga Attila (1949-) (urológus, andrológus)
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa (1946-) (embriológus)
Oláh Éva (1943-2019) (gyermekgyógyász, klinikai genetikus)
Molnár Zsuzsanna (1980-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Molnár Zsuzsanna (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
Correlation between classical semen parameters, sperm nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation index in infertile, oligozoospermic males / Molnár Zsuzsanna, Benyó Mátyás, Mokánszki Attila, Oladokun Hanna, Balogh István
Klinikai orvostudományok
idézhető absztrakt
Andrology. - 4 : Suppl. 2 (2016), p. 35-36. -
További szerzők:
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Oladokun Hanna
Balogh István (1972-) (molekuláris biológus, genetikus)
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Molnár Zsuzsanna (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
Semen characteristics, fertilization potential, aneuploidy and sperm chromatin decondensation in men with testicular cancer / Molnar Z., Benyo M., Mokanszki A., Kassai Z., Bhattoa H. P., Kiss Z., Jakab A.
Klinikai orvostudományok
idézhető absztrakt
European Urology Supplements. - 14 : 2 (2015), p. e298. -
További szerzők:
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa (1946-) (embriológus)
Bhattoa Harjit Pal (1973-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos)
Kiss Zoltán (1985-) (urológus)
Jakab Attila (1964-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, endokrinológus)
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Molnár Zsuzsanna (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
Sperm fertilization potential and chromosomal anomalies in testicular cancer before chemotherapy / Z. Molnár, A. Mokánszki, M. Benyó, Z. Bazsáné Kassai, E. Oláh, A. Jakab
Klinikai orvostudományok
idézhető absztrakt
spermium genetikai vizsgálat
Human Reproduction. - 26 (2011), p. i253. -
További szerzők:
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa (1946-) (embriológus)
Oláh Éva (1943-2019) (gyermekgyógyász, klinikai genetikus)
Jakab Attila (1964-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, endokrinológus)
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Molnár Zsuzsanna (szülész-nőgyógyász, labor szakorvosjelölt, urológus)
Sperm concentration, hyaluronic acid binding capacity, aneuploidy and persistent histones in testicular cancer / Z. Molnár, A. Mokanszki, Z. Kassai Bazsáné, H. P. Bhattoa, M. Benyó, É. Oláh, A. Jakab
AbstractStudy question: Are the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of semen samples of patients with testicular cancer (TC), prior to anticancer therapy, different from infertile oligozoospermic and normozoospermic age-matched men?Summary answer: Sperm concentration in TC patients was significantly decreased with no difference in estimated numerical chromosome aberrations and nuclear decondensation compared to normozoospermic men, while the infertile, oligozoospermic men had significantly poorer sperm qualitative characteristics versus the TC group overall and oligozoospermic patients with testicular cancer.What is known already: Spermatogenesis is altered in TC patients at the time of the diagnosis. However, the mechanism responsible for the decreased semen quantity in patients with testicular cancer is not well understood. Anticancer treatment may have gonadotoxic side effects and post treatment fertility cannot be predicted. Before commencing anticancer treatment, cryopreservation may be suggested to preserve fertility but there are no data regarding the risk of genetic aberrations in these sperms.Study design, size, duration: This is a cross-sectional study examining semen from 28 patients with testicular cancer, 20 oligozoospermic and 20 normozoospermic age-matched men attending the Andrology Center and the Sperm Cryopreservation Laboratory of the Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen. Semen samples from patients with testicular cancer were collected after orchidectomy, but prior to anticancer treatment. Semen samples from TC patients recruited over a period of 4 years were studied. Based on their sperm concentration, TC patients were subgrouped into an oligozoospermic TC (TCO) and a normozoospermic TC (TCN) group. For statistical analysis, the normal group (NZ+IO) comprised non-tumorous normozoospermic (NZ) and infertile oligozoospermic (IO) men.Participants/materials/setting, method: The ejaculates were assessed as per World Health Organization guidelines. Hyaluronic acid (HA) binding capacity was the functional test. To determine the numerical chromosome aberrations we used multicolour fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Aniline blue (AB) staining was performed as a nuclear decondensation marker test. Main results and the role of chance: The results did not reveal any significant difference in disomy of sex chromosomes and chromosome 17, diploidy and estimated numerical chromosome aberrations and AB staining results upon comparing the normozoospermic and testicular cancer groups, although the sperm concentration (p<0.001) and HA binding capacity (p<0.001) were lower in the TC group. Estimated numerical chromosome aberrations (p<0.001), AB staining (p<0.001) and HA-binding capacity (p=0.019) was lower in the infertile, oligozoospermic group as compared to the patients with testicular cancer. The TCO group had significantly better results in every examined parameter than the infertile, oligozoospermic group. In the non-tumorous control group (NZ+IO), a significant (p<0.001) correlation (Spearman's rho=r) was found between sperm concentration and aneuploidy rate (r=-0.642), AB staining (r=-0.876) and HA binding (r=0.842); the HA-binding capacity was related to the aneuploidy rate (r=-0.678) and the AB staining (r=-0.811,); and there was significant correlation between aneuploidy and AB staining (r=0.559). In the TC group, apart from the negative correlation between sperm concentration and estimated chromosomal aberrations (r=-0.642), no other correlations were observed.Limitations, reasons for caution: Data on confounders influencing sperm characteristics, such as smoking, occupational or environmental hazards, alcoholism, co-morbidities and other andrological conditions, were not collected. Wider implications of the findings: This is the first study to demonstrate that sperm qualitative characteristics in anticancer therapy naïve oligozoospermic TC patients differ significantly from those in infertile oligozoospermic men and do not differ from those in normozoospermic men. Our results need to be validated in similar groups of men and in other patient groups with cancer where cryopreservation is advisable. Study funding/competing interest(s): This research was supported by the European Union and the State of Hungary, co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of TÁMOP-4.2.4.A/2-11/1-2012-0001 ♭National Excellence Program'. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.Key words: testicular cancer, infertility, hyaluronic acid binding assay, aniline-blue staining, human sperm fluorescence in-situ hybridization
Klinikai orvostudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
testicular cancer
hyaluronic acid binding assay
aniline-blue staining
human sperm fluorescence in-situ hybridization
Human Reproduction. - 29 : 9 (2014), p. 1866-1874. -
További szerzők:
Mokánszki Attila (1983-) (molekuláris biológus Ph.D hallgató)
Bazsáné Kassai Zsuzsa (1946-) (embriológus)
Bhattoa Harjit Pal (1973-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos)
Benyó Mátyás (1982-) (urológus)
Oláh Éva (1943-2019) (gyermekgyógyász, klinikai genetikus)
Jakab Attila (1964-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, endokrinológus)
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