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001-es BibID:BIBFORM042927
035-os BibID:PMID:23466426
Első szerző:Palicz Zoltán (orvos)
Cím:In vivo application of a small molecular weight antifungal protein of Penicillium chrysogenum (PAF) / Zoltán Palicz, Ágnes Jenes, Tamás Gáll, Kornél Miszti-Blasius, Sándor Kollár, Ilona Kovács, Miklós Emri, Teréz Márián, Éva Leiter, István Pócsi, Éva Csősz, Gergő Kalló, Csaba Hegedűs, László Virág, László Csernoch, Péter Szentesi
Megjegyzések:The antifungal protein of Penicillium chrysogenum (PAF) inhibits the growth of important pathogenic filamentous fungi, including members of the Aspergillus family and some dermatophytes. Furthermore, PAF was proven to have no toxic effects on mammalian cells in vitro. To prove that PAF could be safely used in therapy, experiments were carried out to investigate its in vivo effects. Adult mice were inoculated with PAF intranasally in different concentrations, up to 2700g·kg(-1) daily, for 2weeks. Even at the highest concentration - a concentration highly toxic in vitro for all affected molds - used, animals neither died due to the treatment nor were any side effects observed. Histological examinations did not find pathological reactions in the liver, in the kidney, and in the lungs. Mass spectrometry confirmed that a measurable amount of PAF was accumulated in the lungs after the treatment. Lung tissue extracts from PAF treated mice exerted significant antifungal activity. Small-animal positron emission tomography revealed that neither the application of physiological saline nor that of PAF induced any inflammation while the positive control lipopolysaccharide did. The effect of the drug on the skin was examined in an irritative dermatitis model where the change in the thickness of the ears following PAF application was found to be the same as in control and significantly less than when treated with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate used as positive control. Since no toxic effects of PAF were found in intranasal application, our result is the first step for introducing PAF as potential antifungal drug in therapy.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
Megjelenés:Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 269 : 1 (2013), p. 8-16. -
További szerzők:Jenes Ágnes (1980-) (élettanász) Gáll Tamás (1982-) (molekuláris biológus, mikrobiológus) Miszti-Blasius Kornél (1977-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Kollár Sándor (1949-) (sebész) Kovács Ilona (1965-) (patológus) Emri Miklós (1962-) (fizikus) Márián Teréz (1950-) (radiobiológus) Leiter Éva (1976-) (biológus) Pócsi István (1961-) (vegyész) Csősz Éva (1977-) (biokémikus, molekuláris biológus) Kalló Gergő (1989-) (molekuláris biológus) Hegedűs Csaba (1980-) (biokémikus, molekuláris biológus) Virág László (1965-) (biokémikus, sejtbiológus, farmakológus) Csernoch László (1961-) (élettanász) Szentesi Péter (1967-) (élettanász)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Oxidatív stressz és ADP-riboziláció kapcsolatának vizsgálata
Molekuláris Orvostudomány Doktori Iskola
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