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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059232
Első szerző:Hrabovszky Erik
Cím:Substance P Immunoreactivity Exhibits Frequent Colocalization with Kisspeptin and Neurokinin B in the Human Infundibular Region / Erik Hrabovszky, Beáta Á. Borsay, Kálmán Rácz, László Herczeg, Philippe Ciofi, Stephen R. Bloom, Mohammad A. Ghatei, Waljit S. Dhillo, Zsolt Liposits
Megjegyzések:Neurons synthesizing neurokinin B (NKB) and kisspeptin (KP) in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus represent important upstream regulators of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurosecretion. In search of neuropeptides co-expressed in analogous neurons of the human infundibular nucleus (Inf), we have carried out immunohistochemical studies of the tachykinin peptide Substance P (SP) in autopsy samples from men (21-78 years) and postmenopausal (53-83 years) women. Significantly higher numbers of SP-immunoreactive (IR) neurons and darker labeling were observed in the Inf of postmenopausal women than in age-matched men. Triple-immunofluorescent studies localized SP immunoreactivity to considerable subsets of KP-IR and NKB-IR axons and perikarya in the infundibular region. In postmenopausal women, 25.1% of NKB-IR and 30.6% of KP-IR perikarya contained SP and 16.5% of all immunolabeled cell bodies were triple-labeled. Triple-, double- and single-labeled SP-IR axons innervated densely the portal capillaries of the infundibular stalk. In quadruple-labeled sections, these axons formed occasional contacts with GnRH-IR axons. Presence of SP in NKB and KP neurons increases the functional complexity of the putative pulse generator network. First, it is possible that SP modulates the effects of KP and NKB in axo-somatic and axo-dendritic afferents to GnRH neurons. Intrinsic SP may also affect the activity and/or neuropeptide release of NKB and KP neurons via autocrine/paracrine actions. In the infundibular stalk, SP may influence the KP and NKB secretory output via additional autocrine/paracrine mechanisms or regulate GnRH neurosecretion directly. Finally, possible co-release of SP with KP and NKB into the portal circulation could underlie further actions on adenohypophysial gonadotrophs.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Immunohistochemistry techniques
immune serum
nerve fibers
Megjelenés:Plos One. - 8 : 8 (2013), p. e72369. -
További szerzők:Borsay Beáta Á. (1982-) (igazságügyi orvosszakértő) Rácz Kálmán (1981-) (igazságügyi rezidens) Herczeg László (1954-) (igazságügyi orvosszakértő) Ciofi, Philippe Bloom, Stephen R. Ghatei, Mohammad A. Dhillo, Waljit S. Liposits Zsolt
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA-K83710
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM041511
Első szerző:Molnár Csilla S. (Budapest)
Cím:Morphological evidence for enhanced kisspeptin and neurokinin B signaling in the infundibular nucleus of the aging man / Molnár C. S., Vida B., Sipos M. T., Ciofi P., Borsay B. Á., Rácz K., Herczeg L., Bloom S. R., Ghatei M. A., Dhillo W. S., Liposits Z., Hrabovszky E.
Megjegyzések:Peptidergic neurons synthesizing kisspeptin (KP) and neurokinin B (NKB) in the hypothalamic infundibular nucleus have been implicated in negative sex steroid feedback to GnRH neurons. In laboratory rodents, testosterone decreases KP and NKB expression in this region. In the present study, we addressed the hypothesis that the weakening of this inhibitory testosterone feedback in elderly men coincides with enhanced KP and NKB signaling in the infundibular nucleus. This central hypothesis was tested in a series of immunohistochemical studies on hypothalamic sections of male human individuals that were divided into arbitrary "young" (21-49 yr, n = 11) and "aged" (50-67 yr, n = 9) groups. Quantitative immunohistochemical experiments established that the regional densities of NKB-immunoreactive (IR) perikarya and fibers, and the incidence of afferent contacts they formed onto GnRH neurons, exceeded several times those of the KP-IR elements. Robust aging-dependent enhancements were identified in the regional densities of KP-IR perikarya and fibers and the incidence of afferent contacts they established onto GnRH neurons. The abundance of NKB-IR perikarya, fibers, and axonal appositions to GnRH neurons also increased with age, albeit to lower extents. In dual-immunofluorescent studies, the incidence of KP-IR NKB perikarya increased from 36% in young to 68% in aged men. Collectively, these immunohistochemical data suggest an aging-related robust enhancement in central KP signaling and a moderate enhancement in central NKB signaling. These changes are compatible with a reduced testosterone negative feedback to KP and NKB neurons. The heavier KP and NKB inputs to GnRH neurons in aged, compared with young, men may play a role in the enhanced central stimulation of the reproductive axis. It requires clarification to what extent the enhanced KP and NKB signaling upstream from GnRH neurons is an adaptive response to hypogonadism or, alternatively, a consequence of a decline in the androgen sensitivity of KP and NKB neurons.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Endocrinology. - 153 : 11 (2012), p. 5428-5439. -
További szerzők:Vida Barbara Sipos Máté T. Ciofi, Philippe Borsay Beáta Á. (1982-) (igazságügyi orvosszakértő) Rácz Kálmán (1981-) (igazságügyi rezidens) Herczeg László (1954-) (igazságügyi orvosszakértő) Bloom, Stephen R. Ghatei, Mohammad A. Dhillo, Waljit S. Liposits Zsolt Hrabovszky Erik
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