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001-es BibID:
035-os BibID:
(cikkazonosító)10241 (WOS)000706891600001 (Scopus)85116013163
Első szerző:
Fehér András (vidékfejlesztő agrármérnök, online marketing, sportmarketing)
The Relationship between Online and Offline Information-Seeking Behaviors for Healthy Nutrition / Fehér András, Véha Miklós, Boros Henrietta Mónika, Kovács Bence, Kontor Enikő, Szakály Zoltán
1661-7827 1660-4601
In addition to preserving their health, young people can also play a role in providing information to wider society. Nutrition habits that have developed over the years at college have an impact on the foundation of a lifelong lifestyle. Our aim was to identify university students' online and offline information-seeking attitudes related to healthy nutrition and create a new theoretical concept. Participants were university students (n = 612), and the self-administered, paper-based questionnaires were sent out to nine Hungarian universities. Both descriptive and multivariate statistical procedures were used in the analysis. Online and offline information sources were categorized. In relation to university students' information-seeking competence, the component of electronic health literacy was determined. In analyzing attitudes, the components of acceptance of, incentive for, and rejection of or ambivalence towards healthy nutrition were identified. The information-seeking categories related to the stages of university students' conscious transition to healthy nutrition were also identified. University students' competences related to electronic health literacy are essentially favorable. This target group accepts healthy nutrition and tries to recommend it to others, too. However, a rejecting or ambivalent attitude could also be identified. Online and offline sources of information accompany university students' transition of the relevant stages of changes. The theoretical concept that we developed can contribute to bridging gaps in the interrelatedness of diverse information sources and healthy nutrition.
Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
online and offline information sources
eating habits
university students
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - 18 : 19 (2021), p. 1-18. -
További szerzők:
Véha Miklós (1982-) (közgazdász)
Boros Henrietta Mónika (1999-) (közgazdász)
Kovács Bence (1992-) (közgazdász)
Kontor Enikő (1963-) (közgazdász)
Szakály Zoltán (1965-) (agrár-közgazdász)
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001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Kiss Marietta (közgazdász)
Funkcionális élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatos attitűdvizsgálatok : Szakirodalmi áttekintés / Kiss Marietta, Kontor Enikő, Véha Miklós, Szakály Zoltán
The current study of our two-part paper series dealing with psychological influences on functional food consumer behaviour focuses on attitudes towards functional foods, while the subsequent study will discuss other psychological influential factors. Several research studies have already examined attitudes towards functional foods but the wide range of available products, the significant international heterogeneity of attitudes and the diversity of the applied research methods make their comparison and generalization remarkably hard. This paper aims to organize these research studies according to specific standpoints, and based on this, to draw generalizable conclusions. Based on the literature review, we can state that attitudes towards functional foods are positive worldwide, and those attitudes have a positive effect on the purchase and consumption of functional foods. There are, of course, international differences in attitude factors that play a significant role in this positive effect, and also in the composition of those factors. These differences can be attributed primarily to the different development stages of markets. However, we can state that the most important attitude factor everywhere is the reward from using functional foods (health protection and promotion, well-being, good performance and mood) that has to be forwarded stated simply and obviously towards the consumers in marketing communication messages. Besides this, social necessity (including medicine-like effects) of and confidence in functional foods also influence the intention for consumption, thus, the healing effect can also be a useful buzzword in messages. In the less developed markets ? such as Hungary ? confidence includes the belief in the safety of the products indicating the fact that where consumers are not familiar with these products, perceived risks of functional foods can be a strong barrier to their consumption. Therefore, a key role of marketing communication messages in those markets is the reduction of perceived risks. It is worth noting, however, that functional foods cannot be seen as a homogeneous food category, thus the importance of different attitude factors may vary between the different types of food. Additionally, consumers cannot be seen as one, homogeneous group, either, therefore different marketing communication messages developed according to the attitudebased segments will be effective.
Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
funkcionális élelmiszer
fogyasztói attitűdök
fogyasztói magatartás
functional food
consumer attitudes
consumer behaviour
food marketing
Táplálkozásmarketing. - 5 : 1 (2018), p. 21-34. -
További szerzők:
Kontor Enikő (1963-) (közgazdász)
Véha Miklós (1982-) (közgazdász)
Szakály Zoltán (1965-) (agrár-közgazdász)
Pályázati támogatás:
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Kontor Enikő (közgazdász)
Egészség vagy íz? Fogyasztói dilemmák a funkcionális élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatban : Szakirodalmi áttekintés / Kontor Enikő, Szakály Zoltán, Véha Miklós, Kiss Marietta
The current study of our two-part paper series is dealing with one of the most important attitude influences on functional food consumer behaviour. Namely, it focuses on "health effects vs. taste" attitude factor of functional food products, which describes the possible conflict between a pleasant taste and the health benefit of the product. This factor is analysed on the basis of two aspects of factors influencing food choice: internal (food) effects (e.g. sensory aspects) and external (non-food) effects (e.g. psychological, social, cultural factors). The most important internal (or intrinsic) characteristic is the taste of the food product. A remarkable finding of this study is that good taste is a crucial, self-relevant characteristic of any food product and bad taste would not be accepted in functional food products either. Consumers are hardly willing to compromise on the taste of functional food products for potential health benefits. Another aspect in the case of functional food products is that intrinsic product characteristics are given by the combination of the health-enhancing ingredient with the type of carrier product used. Studies have shown that functional ingredients that weaken the taste of such food products reduce their acceptance. There is a consensus in the literature that a natural match between added ingredient and carrier product increases the overall acceptance of functional food products. External (or extrinsic) characteristics, e.g. psychological and lifestyle factors, and socio-cultural differences provide further aspects of the potential conflict of "health effects vs. taste". From a psychological point of view, one may assume that an individual who chooses a functional food is committed to the products' benefits and may be willing to accept some unpleasant taste in order to achieve the desired health benefit. It has to be noted, however, that although the importance of a given health benefit may lead to the acceptance of an unpleasant taste, this acceptance is not necessarily supported by each of the health benefits. Lifestyle variables also influence the acceptance of functional foods, e.g. wellness-oriented consumers appear to be more willing to trade the taste for health benefits. However, the segment of consumers who are ready to sacrifice the taste for potential health benefits cannot be identified by using classical demographic characteristics as segmentation variables. The "health effects vs. taste" conflict is influenced by cultural differences, too. E.g. the priority of taste can be observed in whole Europe; in contrast, the preference for nutritional benefits is rather typical in the Asian countries. The final conclusion of our study is similar to that of the literature. Good taste and healthiness are not necessarily to be traded-off against each other. Hoping for consumer willingness to compromise on the taste for health is highly speculative and risky, so the ó functional food industry must develop good taste solutions. In addition to sensory perception of the food, the expectations have also been found to have an impact on the acceptance of functional food products. Consumers' expectations are highly influenced by marketing communications. In case of functional food products marketing communication is strongly based on health-related information and this information influences not only the perception of healthiness but the liking of foods, too. Hence, additional values of functional food products (health+convenience+pleasure) have to be communicated as hedonic values, emphasizing especially the role of pleasure.
Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
funkcionális élelmiszer
fogyasztói attitűdök
fogyasztói magatartás
functional food
consumer attitudes
consumer behaviour
Táplálkozásmarketing. - 5 : 2 (2018), p. 17-29. -
További szerzők:
Szakály Zoltán (1965-) (agrár-közgazdász)
Véha Miklós (1982-) (közgazdász)
Kiss Marietta (1981-) (közgazdász)
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