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001-es BibID:BIBFORM048367
Első szerző:Czifra Árpád (belgyógyász)
Cím:Hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration differently modulate left ventricular diastolic function / Árpád Czifra, Alida Páll, Julianna Kulcsár, Kitti Barta, Attila Kertész, György Paragh, István Lőrincz, Zoltán Jenei, Anupam Agarwal, Abolfazl Zarjou, József Balla, Zoltán Szabó
Megjegyzések:Background: Renal replacement therapy may have a favorable effect on diastolic left ventricular function, but it isnot clear whether hemodiafiltration is superior to hemodialysis in this field. Nitric oxide (NO) and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) may play a role in the changes of intracardiac hemodynamics, but it is not clear whether the different renal replacement methods have disparate influence on the metabolism of these materials.Methods: Thirty patients on renal replacement therapy were investigated. First, data was analyzed while patientsreceived hemodiafiltration over a period of three months. Then, the same patients were evaluated during treatmentwith hemodialysis for at least another three months. Echocardiography was performed before and after renalreplacement therapy.Results: No significant difference was found in the volume removals between hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration.The left atrial diameter and transmitral flow velocities (E/A) decreased significantly only during hemodiafiltration. A positive correlation was observed between the left atrial diameter and E/Ea representing the left ventricular pressure load during hemodiafiltration. Significant correlations between NO and A and E/A were observed only in the case of hemodiafiltration.Conclusion: Hemodiafiltration has a beneficial effect on echocardiographic markers representing left ventriculardiastolic function. This could be attributed to the differences between the dynamics of volume removal and itsdistribution among liquid compartments.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Diastolic function
Nitric oxide
Megjelenés:BMC Nephrology. - 14 : 1 (2013), p. 1-7. -
További szerzők:Páll Alida (1983-) (orvos) Kulcsár Júlia (1983-) (orvos) Barta Kitti (1977-) (belgyógyász) Kertész Attila Béla (1973-) (kardiológus) Paragh György (1953-) (belgyógyász) Lőrincz István (1950-) (belgyógyász, kardiológus) Jenei Zoltán (1968-) (belgyógyász) Agarwal, Anupam Zarjou, Abolfazl (1979-) (kutató orvos) Balla József (1959-) (belgyógyász, nephrológus) Szabó Zoltán (1973-) (belgyógyász, kardiológus)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0045
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