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001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Balla Zoltán (agrármérnök)
Renewable energy from biomass: a sustainable option? : Hydrogen production from alcohols / Zoltán Balla, Károly Kith, András Tamás, Orsolya Nagy
1029-7006 1607-7962
Sustainable development requires us to find new energy sources instead of fossil fuels. One possibility is thehydrogen fuel cell, which uses significantly more efficient than the current combustion engines. The task of thehydrogen is clean, carbon-free renewable energy sources to choose in the future by growing degree. Hungary canplay a role in the renewable energy sources of biomass as a renewable biomass annually mass of about 350 to 360million tons. The biomass is only a very small proportion of fossil turn carbonaceous materials substitution, whilewe may utilize alternative energy sources as well. To the hydrogen production from biomass, the first step of thechemical transformations of chemical bonds are broken, which is always activation energy investment needs.The methanol and ethanol by fermentation from different agricultural products is relatively easy to produce, sothese can be regarded as renewable energy carriers of. The ethanol can be used directly, and used in several placesin the world are mixed with the petrol additive. This method is the disadvantage that the anhydrous alcohol is to beused in the combustion process in the engine more undesired by-products may be formed, and the fuel efficiencyof the engine is significantly lower than the efficiency of the fuel cells.More useful to produce hydrogen from the alcohol and is used in a fuel cell electric power generation. Particularlyattractive option for the so-called on-board reforming of alcohols, that happens immediately when the vehiclehydrogen production. It does not need a large tank of hydrogen, because the hydrogen produced would be directlyto the fuel cell. The H2 tank limit use of its high cost, the significant loss evaporation, the rare-station network,production capacity and service background and lack of opportunity to refuel problems. These can be overcome, ifthe hydrogen in the vehicle is prepared. As volume even 700 bar only about half the H2 pressure gas can be storedin the case, than the same volume of ethanol-water mixture can be prepared.The renewal of alcohol, the alcohol-water mixture is then passed through the catalytic reformer into a preheater.The exhaust gas contains a relatively large number of carbon monoxide, which would spoil the fuel cell, so thecarbon monoxide concentration to a high and a low temperature water-gas reaction is reduced. This increases thehydrogen production. The last step of the carbon monoxide content to eliminate preferential oxidation. The alcoholreforming catalyst for the precious metals spread most of what arose from high activity and stability. However, theprecious metals are very expensive, so a non-precious metal catalysts is the design and development of objectiveactivity and stability which reaches the precious metal catalysts of.Using the new reaction catalysts opportunities are created, which are smaller than the activation energy than thenon-catalytic process. The basic objective of the technological developments more active at lower temperatures,the selective target product, long-life, low cost design catalysts.
Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok
idézhető absztrakt
renewable energy
Geophysical Research Abstracts 17 (2015), p. [1]. -
További szerzők:
Kith Károly (1986-) (környezetkutató, ökológus)
Tamás András (1986-) (gazdasági agrármérnök, növénytermesztés és kertészeti tudományok)
Nagy Orsolya (1989-) (regionális tudományok)
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001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Balla Zoltán (agrármérnök)
Use of corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids to product bioethanol / Zoltan Balla, Nandor Csatari, Karoly Kith, Orsolya Nagy
Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok
22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition / [ed. by ETA-Florence Renewable Energies]. - p. 126
További szerzők:
Csatári Nándor (1986-) (vidékfejlesztési agrármérnök)
Kith Károly (1986-) (környezetkutató, ökológus)
Nagy Orsolya (1989-) (regionális tudományok)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Csatári Nándor (vidékfejlesztési agrármérnök)
Mezőgazdasági biogáz üzemek technológiai összehasonlítása [elektronikus dokumentum] / Csatári Nándor, Balla Zoltán, Hagymássy Zoltán, Nagy Orsolya, Vántus András, Kith Károly
Műszaki tudományok
Agrárműszaki tudományok
Műszaki Tudomány az Észak-kelet Magyarországi Régióban : konferencia előadásai [elektronikus dokumentum] / szerk. Pokorádi László. - p. 91-96. -
További szerzők:
Balla Zoltán (1985-) (agrármérnök)
Hagymássy Zoltán (1958-) (gépészmérnök)
Nagy Orsolya (1989-) (regionális tudományok)
Vántus András (1957-) (agrármérnök, mérnöktanár)
Kith Károly (1986-) (környezetkutató, ökológus)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Kith Károly (környezetkutató, ökológus)
Biogas - the calculable energy / Károly Kith, Orsolya Nagy, Zoltán Balla, András Tamás
EU actions against climate change are rising energy prices, both have emphasized the use of renewable en- ergy,increase investments and energy efficiency. A number of objectives formulated in the EC decree no. 29/2009 by 2020. This document is based on the share of renewable energies in energy consumption should be increased to 20% (EC, 2009). The EU average is 20% but the share of renewables vary from one member state to another. In Hungary in 2020, 14.65% renewable energy share is planned to be achieved. According to the latest Eurostat data, the share of renewable energy in energy consumption of the EU average was 14.1%, while in Hungary, this share was 9.6% in 2012. (EUROSTAT, 2014). The use of renewable energy plant level is influenced by several factors. The most important of these is the cost savings and efficiency gains. Hungarian investments in renewable energy production usually have high associated costs and the payback period is substantially more than five years, depend- ing on the support rate. For example, the payback period is also influenced by the green electricity generated feed prices, which is one of the lowest in Hungary compared the Member States of the European Union. Consequently, it is important to increase the production of green energy. Nowadays, predictable biogas energy is an outstanding type of decentralized energy production. It follows directly that agricultural by-products can be used to produce energy and they also create jobs by the construction of a biogas plant. It is important to dispose of and destroy hazardous and noxious substances in energy production. It follows from this that the construction of biogas plants have a positive impact, in addition to green energy which is prepared to reduce the load on the environment. The production of biogas and green electricity is one of the most environment friendly forms of energy production. Biogas production also has other important ecological effects, such as the substitution of fertilizers, reducing its use in agriculture, which protects groundwater and surface water conditions and reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In the future more emphasis should be given to increase the effectiveness of existing technologies and other types of innovation could be expanded in energy production. It can be concluded that green energy investments can be rewarding if accurate planning is carried out before the investment.
Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok
idézhető absztrakt
green energy
Geophysical Research Abstracts 17 (2015), p. [1]. -
További szerzők:
Nagy Orsolya (1989-) (regionális tudományok)
Balla Zoltán (1985-) (agrármérnök)
Tamás András (1986-) (gazdasági agrármérnök, növénytermesztés és kertészeti tudományok)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Nagy Orsolya (regionális tudományok)
A hulladékgazdálkodás szabályozásának elemei / Nagy Orsolya, Balla Zoltán, Kith Károly, Tamás András
A hasznosítatlan hulladék lerakása területet foglal el más hasznosítási lehetőségek elől és csökkenti atermészetes erőforrások igénybevételének lehetőségeit, mindezek mellett többnyire környezetszennyező, illetveegészségkárosító hatással is bír.A hulladék esetében a legérdekesebb jogi kérdés a fogalmak tisztázása. Ebből kiindulva érdemes vizsgálni,hogy mi minősül hulladéknak és milyen szempontok szerint történik az osztályozása. Jelentős azon körülményektisztázása is, mint például a hulladék áruként való kezelése, illetve mit jelent a hulladéknak nem minősülőmelléktermék kategória, vagy másik jogi kihívás, a hulladékstátusz megszűnésének kérdése.
Regionális tudományok
magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
hulladék, szabályozás, hulladékgazdálkodás
Debreceni Műszaki Közlemények. - 2 (2014), p. 89-93. -
További szerzők:
Balla Zoltán (1985-) (agrármérnök)
Kith Károly (1986-) (környezetkutató, ökológus)
Tamás András (1986-) (gazdasági agrármérnök, növénytermesztés és kertészeti tudományok)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Tamás András (gazdasági agrármérnök, növénytermesztés és kertészeti tudományok)
Resource efficiency and its necessity / András Tamás, Orsolya Nagy, Zoltán Balla, Károly Kith
Renewable energy resources have an important role by improving energy efficiency, thereby contributing to the sustainable and eco-friendly use of local energy resources. The rationalization of energy management and the im- plementation of innovative renewable energy projects can be an excellent tool in terms of both corporate, municipal and household levels to reduce energy costs.The Hungarian Power Companies Ltd. calculates that in Hungary new electricity generating capacity is needed for establishing growth in consumer demand and the replacement of old power plants. On 31th December 2013, there was 9 197 megawatts of installed electrical capacity in the Hungarian electricity system. By 2019, only 70% is expected to be available and by 2030, only 5 100 megawatts of capacity can be calculated. In addition to the replacement needs, the supposed increase in consumer demand also requires the establishment of new capacities (MTI, 2014).In this study, we examined one of Hungary's leading agribusiness companies' technical and other parameters. In the company's head office, hot water is produced by a solar panel. The roof-mounted solar cells heat a 200-liter reservoir of stored water. The daily use of water each day account to between 50 and 200 liters. Waste heat in the cooling system of the company's shop is utilized by using a group-agregator. Cooling is done with significant heat removal. This amount of heat or a portion of it could be recovered. Therefore, a heat exchanger was inserted into the cooling gas cycle which leads to a secondary water cycle with a 300 litre water tank. This solution produces hot water, providing the shop workers' daily hot water needs. Lighting was upgraded by replacing traditional high- performance 250-watt bulbs to 130-watt more energy-efficient light bulbs. The saving achieved is 120 watts per bulb. The energy-saving light bulbs last longer than the mercury-filled bulbs. It is important that the sockets be the same, so they do not have to replace the luminaires. In addition to saving energy it is also important to protect the environment. The mercury-filled bulbs are obsolete pollute the environment after disposal. The other plant head- quarters replaced 60 watts lamps to LED lamps. Also, lighting and the whole network will be replaced. The LED light's energy demand is 23 watts; therefore, barn lighting will result in savings of 2000 watts per hour. It is an important criterion of electricity to burden the electrical network only to the necessary extent. Therefore, services measure both the inductive and capacitive consumption. To avoid extra costs, factor correction capacitors are used. Therefore, reactive energy costs can be avoided.The world's energy resources are finite and it is increasingly more expensive to produce them. Therefore, we must strive to make renewable energy systems involve greater proportion of today's power structure. The company con- tributed to the requirement that the share of renewable energy sources by 2020 should reach 14.65% in Hungary. Green energy investment pays off in a long run for all businesses and it is a necessary economic development.
Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok
idézhető absztrakt
green energy
renewable energy
energy save
Geophysical Research Abstracts 17 : 9096 (2015), p. [1]. -
További szerzők:
Nagy Orsolya (1989-) (regionális tudományok)
Balla Zoltán (1985-) (agrármérnök)
Kith Károly (1986-) (környezetkutató, ökológus)
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