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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124989
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85200150580 (WOS)001282323600001
Első szerző:Erdélyi Ádám
Cím:Synthesis and Application of Robust Spiro [Fluorene-9] CAAC Ruthenium Alkylidene Complexes for the "One-Pot" Conversion of Allyl Acetate to Butane-1,4-diol / Ádám Erdélyi, Vajk Farkas, Gábor Turczel, Márton Nagyházi, Attila Bényei, Merell Lystra Ledesma Recta, Tibor Nagy, Sándor Kéki, Ole Osterthun, Jürgen Klankermayer, Róbert Tuba
ISSN:0947-6539 1521-3765
Megjegyzések:A series of a novel CAAC ligands featuring a spiro-fluorene group have been synthesized and complexed with ruthenium alkylidenes, yielding the corresponding Hoveyda-type derivatives as a new family of olefin metathesis catalysts. The novel complexes have been characterized by XRD, HRMS and NMR measurements. The synthetised complexes were tested in catalysis and showed good activity in olefin metathesis, as demonstrated on diethyl diallylmalonate and allyl acetate substrates. The unique backbone in the ligand with the large, yet inflexible condensed system renders interesting properties to the catalyst, exemplified by the good catalytic performance and improved Z-selectivity. In addition, the complex can also serve as a hydrogenation catalyst in a consecutive (one-pot) reaction. The latter reaction can convert allyl acetate to butane-1,4-diol, a valuable chemical intermediate for biodegradable polybutylene succinate (PBS).
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Allyl acetate
Olefin metathesis
Megjelenés:Chemistry-A European Journal. - 30 : 49 (2024), p. 1-7. -
További szerzők:Farkas Vajk Turczel Gábor Nagyházi Márton Bényei Attila (1962-) (vegyész) Recta, Merell Lystra Ledesma Nagy Tibor (1988-) (vegyész) Kéki Sándor (1964-) (polimer kémikus) Osterud, Ole Klankermayer, Jürgen Tuba Róbert
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