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001-es BibID:BIBFORM092499
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)202
Első szerző:Gindele Réka (molekuláris biológus)
Cím:Resolving Differential Diagnostic Problems in von Willebrand Disease, in Fibrinogen Disorders, in Prekallikrein Deficiency and in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia by Next-Generation Sequencing / Gindele Réka, Kerényi Adrienne, Kállai Judit, Pfliegler György, Schlammadinger Ágota, Szegedi István, Major Tamás, Szabó Zsuzsanna, Bagoly Zsuzsa, Kiss Csongor, Kappelmayer János, Bereczky Zsuzsanna
Megjegyzések:Diagnosis of rare bleeding disorders is challenging and there are several differential diagnostics issues. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a useful tool to overcome these problems. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the usefulness of molecular genetic investigations by summarizing the diagnostic work on cases with certain bleeding disorders. Here we report only those, in whom NGS was indicated due to uncertainty of diagnosis or if genetic confirmation of initial diagnosis was required. Based on clinical and/or laboratory suspicion of von Willebrand disease (vWD, n = 63), hypo-or dysfibrinogenemia (n = 27), hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT, n = 10) and unexplained activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) prolongation (n = 1), NGS using Illumina platform was performed. Gene panel covered 14 genes (ACVRL1, ENG, MADH4, GDF2, RASA1, F5, F8, FGA, FGB, FGG, KLKB1, ADAMTS13, GP1BA and VWF) selected on the basis of laboratory results. We identified forty-seven mutations, n = 29 (6 novel) in vWD, n = 4 mutations leading to hemophilia A, n = 10 (2 novel) in fibrinogen disorders, n = 2 novel mutations in HHT phenotype and two mutations (1 novel) leading to prekallikrein deficiency. By reporting well-characterized cases using standardized, advanced laboratory methods we add new pieces of data to the continuously developing "bleeding disorders databases", which are excellent supports for clinical patient management.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Life. - 11 : 3 (2021), p. 1-23. -
További szerzők:Kerényi Adrienne (1970-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Kállai Judit (1983-) (molekuláris biológus) Pfliegler György (1949-) (belgyógyász, hematológus, labor szakorvos) Schlammadinger Ágota (1971-) (belgyógyász, haematológus) Szegedi István (1969-) (hematológus, onkológus, nefrológus) Major Tamás (1973-) (fül-orr-gégész) Szabó Zsuzsanna Bagoly Zsuzsa (1978-) (orvos) Kiss Csongor (1956-) (hematológus, onkológus) Kappelmayer János (1960-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Bereczky Zsuzsanna (1974-) (orvosi laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00039
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066248
035-os BibID:(WoS)000391287100018 (Scopus)84995700032
Első szerző:Mezei Zoltán András (orvos)
Cím:Regulation of plasma factor XIII levels in healthy individuals; a major impact by subunit B intron K c.1952+144 C>G polymorphism / Zoltán A. Mezei, Éva Katona, Judit Kállai, Zsuzsanna Bereczky, Éva Molnár, Bettina Kovács, Éva Ajzner, Zsuzsa Bagoly, Tünde Miklós, László Muszbek
Megjegyzések:BackgroundThe regulation of plasma factor XIII (FXIII) levels in healthy individuals has been only partially explored. The identification of major non-genetic and genetic regulatory factors might provide important information on the contribution of FXIII to the risk of cardio/cerebrovascular diseases.ObjectivesTo determine the effect of age, smoking, BMI, fibrinogen concentration on plasma FXIII activity, complex FXIII antigen (FXIII-A2B2) and total FXIII-B subunit (tFXIII-B) level, to correlate FXIII-B level with the other two FXIII parameters and to assess the variation of FXIII levels in carriers of major FXIII subunit polymorphisms.Methods268 healthy individuals were enrolled in the study. FXIII activity was measured by the ammonia release assay; FXIII-A2B2 and tFXIII-B were determined by ELISAs. FXIII-A p.Val34Leu, FXIII-B p.His95Arg and FXIII-B intron K c.1952 + 144 C > G polymorphisms were identified by RT-PCR using melting point analysis with fluorescence resonance energy transfer detection.ResultsAll investigated FXIII parameters showed significant positive correlation with age and fibrinogen level; gender and BMI influenced only tFXIII-B. A highly significant positive correlation was demonstrated between tFXIII-B and the other FXIII parameters. FXIII-A p.Val34Leu polymorphism had only slight, if any effect on FXIII levels. The FXIII-B Arg95 allele moderately increased all three FXIII parameters, but the effect became statistically significant only after adjustment. The FXIII-B intron K G allele drastically decreased FXIII levels, and it seemed to be in synergism with the FXIII-A Leu34 allele.ConclusionsPlasma FXIII levels are subjected to multifactorial regulation, in which age, fibrinogen level and FXIII-B intron K polymorphism are major determinants.AbbreviationsBMI, body mass index; FXIII, plasma factor XIII; FXIIIa, activated FXIII; FXIII-A, FXIII A subunit; FXIII-B, FXIII B subunit; tFXIII-B, total FXIII-B subunit.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Factor XIII
Healthy volunteers
Megjelenés:Thrombosis Research. - 148 (2016), p. 101-106. -
További szerzők:Katona Éva (1961-) (klinikai biokémikus) Kállai Judit (1983-) (molekuláris biológus) Bereczky Zsuzsanna (1974-) (orvosi laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Molnár Éva (1977-) (analitikus) Kovács Bettina (1975-) (orvos) Ajzner Éva (1968-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Bagoly Zsuzsa (1978-) (orvos) Miklós Tünde Muszbek László (1942-) (haematológus, kutató orvos)
Internet cím:DOI
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