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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072296
035-os BibID:(WoS)000426963900020 (Scopus)85041554873
Első szerző:Veres Péter (vegyész)
Cím:A redox strategy to tailor the release properties of Fe(III)-alginate aerogels for oral drug delivery / Veres Péter, Sebők Dániel, Dékány Imre, Gurikov Pavel, Smirnova Irina, Fábián István, Kalmár József
Megjegyzések:Iron(III)-crosslinked alginate aerogel beads (d=3-5mm) were prepared and loaded with ibuprofen by using thetechnique of adsorptive deposition from supercritical CO2? . Additional formulations were prepared where theaerogels were co-impregnated by ibuprofen and ascorbic acid. The release of ibuprofen from the Fe(III)-alginateis much faster in pH=7.4 (PBS) than in pH=2.0 (HCl), which can be explained by the faster dissolution andhigher swelling of the alginate matrix in PBS. By decreasing the size of the beads and using a higher G contentalginate the release rate could be slightly increased. A marked acceleration of drug release was achieved in bothHCl and PBS by incorporating ascorbic acid into the Fe(III)-alginate aerogel preparations. The explanation isthat in aqueous media ascorbic acid in situ reduces the crosslinking Fe(III) to Fe(II). The latter does not interactstrongly with alginate, which promotes the hydration of the chains, thus the erosion and dissolution of the carrier matrix
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
drug delivery
redox reaction
Megjelenés:Carbohydrate Polymers. - 188 (2018), p. 159-167. -
További szerzők:Sebők Dániel Dékány Imre Gurikov, Pavel Smirnova, Irina Fábián István (1956-) (vegyész) Kalmár József (1985-) (vegyész)
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