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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102823
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)8329 (WOS)000832158400001 (Scopus)85135068440
Első szerző:El-Ramady, Hassan (agrármérnök)
Cím:Plant Nutrition for Human Health: A Pictorial Review on Plant Bioactive Compounds for Sustainable Agriculture / Hassan El-Ramady, Peter Hajdú, Gréta Törős, Khandsuren Badgar, Xhensila Llanaj, Attila Kiss, Neama Abdalla, Alaa El-Dein Omara, Tamer Elsakhawy, Heba Elbasiouny, Fathy Elbehiry, Megahed Amer, Mohammed E. El-Mahrouk, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:Is there any relationship between plant nutrition and human health? The overall response to this question is very positive, and a strong relationship between the nutrition of plants and humans has been reported in the literature. The nutritional status of edible plants consumed by humans can have a negative or positive impact on human health. This review was designed to assess the importance of plant bioactive compounds for human health under the umbrella of sustainable agriculture. With respect to the first research question, it was found that plant bioactives (e.g., alkaloids, carotenoids, flavonoids, phenolics, and terpenoids) have a crucial role in human health due to their therapeutic benefits, and their potentiality depends on several factors, including botanical, environmental, and clinical attributes. Plant bioactives could be produced using plant tissue culture tools (as a kind of agro-biotechnological method), especially in cases of underexploited or endangered plants. Bioactive production of plants depends on many factors, especially climate change (heat stress, drought, UV radiation, ozone, and elevated CO2), environmental pollution, and problematic soils (degraded, saline/alkaline, waterlogged, etc.). Under the previously mentioned stresses, in reviewing the literature, a positive or negative association was found depending on the kinds of stress or bioactives and their attributes. The observed correlation between plant bioactives and stress (or growth factors) might explain the importance of these bioactives for human health. Their accumulation in stressed plants can increase their tolerance to stress and their therapeutic roles. The results of this study are in keeping with previous observational studies, which confirmed that the human nutrition might start from edible plants and their bioactive contents, which are consumed by humans. This review is the first report that analyzes this previously observed relationship using pictorial presentation.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
climate change
biofortified crop
degraded soil
plant secondary metabolites
elevated CO2
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 14 : 14 (2022), p. 1-43. -
További szerzők:Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Badgar, Khandsuren (1987-) (állattenyésztés) Llanaj, Xhensila (1992-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Kiss Attila (1971-) (vegyész, angol-magyar szakfordító) Abdalla, Neama Omara, Alaa El-Dein Elsakhawy, Tamer Elbasiouny, Heba Elbehiry, Fathy Amer, Megahed M. Elmahrouk, Mohammed Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102337
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)7104 (Scopus)85132700393 (WOS)000816815700001
Első szerző:El-Ramady, Hassan (agrármérnök)
Cím:A Comparative Photographic Review on Higher Plants and Macro-Fungi : a Soil Restoration for Sustainable Production of Food and Energy / Hassan El-Ramady, Gréta Törős, Khandsuren Badgar, Xhensila Llanaj, Péter Hajdú, Mohammed E. El-Mahrouk, Neama Abdalla, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:The Kingdom of Plantae is considered the main source of human food, and includes several edible and medicinal plants, whereas mushrooms belong to the Kingdom of fungi. There are a lot of similar characteristics between mushrooms and higher plants, but there are also many differences among them, especially from the human health point of view. The absences of both chlorophyll content and the ability to form their own food are the main differences between mushrooms and higher plants. The main similar attributes found in both mushrooms and higher plants are represented in their nutritional and medicinal activities. The findings of this review have a number of practical implications. A lot of applications in different fields could be found also for both mushrooms and higher plants, especially in the bioenergy, biorefinery, soil restoration, and pharmaceutical fields, but this study is the first report on a comparative photographic review between them. An implication of the most important findings in this review is that both mushrooms and plants should be taken into account when integrated food and energy are needed. These findings will be of broad use to the scientific and biomedical communities. Further investigation and experimentation into the integration and production of food crops and mushrooms are strongly recommended under different environmental conditions, particularly climate change.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 14 : 12 (2022), p. 1-34. -
További szerzők:Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Badgar, Khandsuren (1987-) (állattenyésztés) Llanaj, Xhensila (1992-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Elmahrouk, Mohammed Abdalla, Neama Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101494
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)4941 (Scopus)85129177381 (WOS)000795328100001
Első szerző:El-Ramady, Hassan (agrármérnök)
Cím:Edible Mushrooms for Sustainable and Healthy Human Food : nutritional and Medicinal Attributes / Hassan El-Ramady, Neama Abdalla, Khandsuren Badgar, Xhensila Llanaj, Gréta Töros, Peter Hajdú, Yahya Eid, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:Global food production faces many challenges, including climate change, a water crisis, land degradation, and desertification. These challenges require research into non-traditional sources of human foods. Edible mushrooms are considered an important next-generation healthy food source. Edible mushrooms are rich in proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive components (alkaloids, lactones, polysaccharides, polyphenolic compounds, sesquiterpenes, sterols, and terpenoids). Several bioactive ingredients can be extracted from edible mushrooms and incorporated into health-promoting supplements. It has been suggested that several human diseases can be treated with extracts from edible mushrooms, as these extracts have biological effects including anticancer, antidiabetic, antiviral, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, immune-potentiating, and hypocholesterolemic influences. The current study focuses on sustainable approaches for handling edible mushrooms and their secondary metabolites, including biofortification. Comparisons between edible and poisonous mushrooms, as well as the common species of edible mushrooms and their different bioactive ingredients, are crucial. Nutritional values and the health benefits of edible mushrooms, as well as different biomedical applications, have been also emphasized. Further research is needed to explore the economic sustainability of different medicinal mushroom bioactive compound extracts and their potential applications against emerging diseases such as COVID-19. New approaches such as nano-biofortification are also needed to supply edible mushrooms with essential nutrients and/or to increase their bioactive ingredients.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 14 : 9 (2022), p. 1-30. -
További szerzők:Abdalla, Neama Badgar, Khandsuren (1987-) (állattenyésztés) Llanaj, Xhensila (1992-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Eid, Yahya Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101078
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)3667 (WOS)000774263200001 (Scopus)85127427485
Első szerző:El-Ramady, Hassan (agrármérnök)
Cím:Green Biotechnology of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus L.) : a Sustainable Strategy for Myco-Remediation and Bio-Fermentation / Hassan El-Ramady, Neama Abdalla, Zakaria Fawzy, Khandsuren Badgar, Xhensila Llanaj, Gréta Törős, Peter Hajdú, Yahya Eid, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:The field of biotechnology presents us with a great chance to use many organisms, such as mushrooms, to find suitable solutions for issues that include the accumulation of agro-wastes in the environment. The green biotechnology of mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus L.) includes the myco-remediation of polluted soil and water as well as bio-fermentation. The circular economy approach could be effectively achieved by using oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus L.), of which the substrate of their cultivation is considered as a vital source for producing biofertilizers, animal feeds, bioenergy, and bio-remediators. Spent mushroom substrate is also considered a crucial source for many applications, including the production of enzymes (e.g., manganese peroxidase, laccase, and lignin peroxidase) and bioethanol. The sustainable management of agro-industrial wastes (e.g., plant-based foods, animal-based foods, and non-food industries) could reduce, reuse and recycle using oyster mushrooms. This review aims to focus on the biotechnological applications of the oyster mushroom (P. ostreatus L.) concerning the field of the myco-remediation of pollutants and the bio-fermentation of agro-industrial wastes as a sustainable approach to environmental protection. This study can open new windows onto the green synthesis of metal-nanoparticles, such as nano-silver, nano-TiO2 and nano-ZnO. More investigations are needed concerning the new biotechnological approaches.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 14 : 6 (2022), p. 1-21. -
További szerzők:Abdalla, Neama Fawzy, Zakaria Badgar, Khandsuren (1987-) (állattenyésztés) Llanaj, Xhensila (1992-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Eid, Yahya Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101292
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)4328 (Scopus)85128458386 (WOS)000780497200001
Első szerző:Elsakhawy, Tamer
Cím:Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Mushrooms: A Crucial Dimension for Sustainable Soil Management / Tamer Elsakhawy, Alaa El-Dein Omara, Mohamed Abowaly, Hassan El-Ramady, Khandsuren Badgar, Xhensila Llanaj, Gréta Törős, Peter Hajdú, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:Soil is the main component in the agroecosystem besides water, microbial communities, and cultivated plants. Several problems face soil, including soil pollution, erosion, salinization, and degradation on a global level. Many approaches have been applied to overcome these issues, such as phyto-, bio-, and nanoremediation through different soil management tools. Mushrooms can play a vital role in the soil through bio-nanoremediation, especially under the biological synthesis of nanoparticles, which could be used in the bioremediation process. This review focuses on the green synthesis of nanoparticles using mushrooms and the potential of bio-nanoremediation for polluted soils. The distinguished roles of mushrooms of soil improvement are considered a crucial dimension for sustainable soil management, which may include controlling soil erosion, improving soil aggregates, increasing soil organic matter content, enhancing the bioavailability of soil nutrients, and resorting to damaged and/or polluted soils. The field of bio-nanoremediation using mushrooms still requires further investigation, particularly regarding the sustainable management of soils.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 14 : 7 (2022), p. 1-27. -
További szerzők:Omara, Alaa El-Dein Abowaly, Mohamed El-Ramady, Hassan (1969-) (agrármérnök) Badgar, Khandsuren (1987-) (állattenyésztés) Llanaj, Xhensila (1992-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101456
Első szerző:Hajdú Péter (táplálkozástudományi szakember)
Cím:Edible Mushroom of Lentinula spp.: A Case Study of Shiitake (Lentinula edodes L.) Cultivation / Péter Hajdú, Zakaria F. Fawzy, Hassan El-Ramady, József Prokisch
ISSN:2536-9415 2536-9423
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Environment, Biodiversity and Soil Security. - 6 : 2022 (2022), p. 41-49. -
További szerzők:Fawzy, Zakaria El-Ramady, Hassan (1969-) (agrármérnök) Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113308
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)2671 (WoS)001036163400001 (Scopus)85166352580
Első szerző:Llanaj, Xhensila (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök)
Cím:Biotechnological applications of mushrooms under the water-energy-food nexus : crucial aspects and prospects from farm to pharmacy / Xhensila Llanaj, Gréta Törős, Péter Hajdú, Neama Abdalla, Hassan El-Ramady, Attila Kiss, Svein Ø. Solberg, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:Mushrooms have always been an important source of food, with high nutritional value and medicinal attributes. With the use of biotechnological applications, mushrooms have gained further attention as a source of healthy food and bioenergy. This review presents different biotechnological applications and explores how these can support global food, energy, and water security. It highlights mushroom's relevance to meet the sustainable development goals of the UN. This review also discusses mushroom farming and its requirements. The biotechnology review includes sections on how to use mushrooms in producing nanoparticles, bioenergy, and bioactive compounds, as well as how to use mushrooms in bioremediation. The different applications are discussed under the water, energy, and food (WEF) nexus. As far as we know, this is the first report on mushroom biotechnology and its relationships to the WEF nexus. Finally, the review valorizes mushroom biotechnology and suggests different possibilities for mushroom farming integration
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
mushroom farming
Megjelenés:Foods. - 12 : 14 (2023), p. 1-26. -
További szerzők:Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Abdalla, Neama El-Ramady, Hassan (1969-) (agrármérnök) Kiss Attila (1971-) (vegyész, angol-magyar szakfordító) Solberg, Svein Øivind Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2020-00100
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112693
Első szerző:Llanaj, Xhensila (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök)
Cím:Mushroom Cultivation Systems: Exploring Antimicrobial and Prebiotic Benefits / Llanaj Xhensila, Gréta Törős, Péter Hajdú, Hassan El-Ramady, Ferenc Peles, József Prokisch
ISSN:2536-9415 2536-9423
Megjegyzések:Mushroom farming is the practice of growing and cultivating various species of mushrooms for food, medicinal, or industrial purposes. It involves creating the ideal environment and conditions for the mushrooms to grow and thrive, such as providing a substrate (a nutrient-rich material on which mushrooms grow), controlling temperature and humidity, and ensuring proper ventilation and lighting.Several innovative applications of mushrooms can be noticed in their farming and cultivation. These applications mainly focus on the medicinal and prebiotic attributes, besides their role in producing food and energy. This review is an attempt to highlight the cultivation of mushrooms and their requirements under different kinds of farming. These farming types may include mushroom-worm system, mushroom-bee farming, smart mushroom farming, forest-mushrooms farming, urban mushroom farming, and mushroom-livestock farming. In this study the condition of cultivation of several mushroom species and their edibility is included. Edible/medicinal mushrooms are well-known for their high content of many beneficial bioactive ingredients for human health such as antioxidants, ergosterols, lectins, phenolics/polyphenolics, polysaccharides, and terpenoids. These bioactives of mushrooms have the potential capability to treat and/or prevent several chronic diseases. The medicinal and prebiotic attributes of mushrooms still need more investigation, and this topic of "mushrooms in medicine" still has several open questions are needed to be answered in the future.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Mushroom-worm farming
Mushroom-bee farming
Smart mushroom farming
Forest-mushrooms farming
Urban mushroom farming
Mushroom-livestock farming
Megjelenés:Environment,Biodiversity & Soil Security. - 7 (2023), p. 101-120. -
További szerzők:Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) El-Ramady, Hassan (1969-) (agrármérnök) Peles Ferenc (1979-) (mikrobiológia, élelmiszer-mikrobiológia, minőségügy) Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2020-00100
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM108927
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)3852 (Scopus)85149293492 (WoS)000939995200001
Első szerző:Nguyen Huu Huong Duyen (PhD student, Food Science)
Cím:Chemical Composition and Health Attributes of Agri-Foods: A Scientific Overview on Black Foods / Duyen H. H. Nguyen, Hassan El-Ramady, Xhensila Llanaj, Gréta Törős, Peter Hajdú, József Prokisch
Megjegyzések:Several kinds of food can be analyzed by the human sensory organs. In this review, we demonstrate the relation and importance of the color and bioactive molecules of food and their health effects. This work focuses on black foods, which can be found in both natural and processed forms, present in our daily life for several years without being noticed. Besides, the chemistry underlying the black color of black foods has not yet been fully understood. More than 130 black foods are reported in the current review, which belong to 3 main groups and 12 sub-groups. In studied black foods, melanins and anthocyanins are the primary pigments, along with other pigments such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, and tannins. The health potential of black foods is also discussed. Due to their high concentration of phytochemical and phenolic compounds, black-colored foods are beneficial in preventing diseases and boosting the immune system. As a promising natural pigment and antioxidant compound source, black foods could be used as functional foods. Several questions on black foods are still open and need more investigation, especially the mechanisms by which the black color is formed in fruits and vegetables.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 15 : 4 (2023), p. 1-32. -
További szerzők:El-Ramady, Hassan (1969-) (agrármérnök) Llanaj, Xhensila (1992-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Törős Gréta (1991-) (tanszéki mérnök/élelmiszerbiztonsági- és minőségi mérnök) Hajdú Péter (1992-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2020-00100
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