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001-es BibID:BIBFORM106949
Első szerző:Túri Marianna (geográfus-geoinformatikus)
Cím:ICER carbonate clumped isotope analysis of karst deposits / Marianna Túri, Andrea Czébely, Diána Kiss, Marjan Temovski, László Palcsu, László Rinyu
Megjegyzések:In April 2018, a 253 Plus 10 kV isotope ratio mass spectrometer equipped with a Kiel IV automatic carbonate device (Thermo Scientific) was installed at the Isotope Climatology and Environmental Research Centre (ICER), Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen, Hungary. Beside the analysis of the conventional carbon and oxygen isotope composition of small carbonate samples, the main application of our system is the clumped isotope thermometry of different kind of carbonate samples. The clumped carbonate measurements are carried out following the methodology of Bernasconi et al. [1]. Carbonate replicate samples (100-110 ?g) are digested by three drops of 1.95 g/cm3 phosphoric acid in the Kiel IV carbonate device. The evolved CO2 is passed through a micro-volume inlet system, which contains two LN2 traps and a Porapak trap in order to eliminate the possible hydrocarbon contaminants. The Easotope software is used for data evaluation of the measurements using the Brand parameters [2] and the carbon dioxide equilibrium scales [3, 4]. To demonstrate the achievable accuracy, precision and long-term stability of the measurement system at ICER, we analyzed international carbonate reference materials and proposed standards (ETH4, IAEA-C1, IAEA-C2, NBS-18, NBS-19, Merck Carbonate) and naturally formed travertine samples (known formation temperatures are in the range of 5-95?C) and compared them to formerly published data of two reputable laboratories from the clumped community [1, 5]. We also applied clumped carbonate analysis to several karst related research topics. One aspect is the suitability of tufa deposits as a paleoclimate archive, even if kinetic fractionation might play a significant role during carbonate formation. Another aspect is the application of clumped isotope thermometry to mammillary speleothems and hydrothermal carbonates as part of paleoclimate and speleogenetic studies. In the poster we will present our current achievements in the field of carbonate clumped isotope measurement, as well as some results on clumped isotope analysis of various carbonate deposits (tufa, mammillary speleothems, hydrothermal carbonates, dolomites) from different karst environments.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Climate Change : The Karst Record IX (KR9) Programme & abstract / eds. Gina Moseley, Mojgan Soleimani, Linda Partl, et al. - p. 164. -
További szerzők:Czébely Andrea (1983-) (biológus) Kiss Diána Temovski, Marjan Palcsu László (1975-) (fizikus) Rinyu László (fizikus)
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