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001-es BibID:BIBFORM078704
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85025813673 (WoS)000424293700025
Első szerző:Buglyó Péter (vegyész)
Cím:Tuning the redox potentials of ternary cobalt(III) complexes containing various hydroxamates / Buglyó Péter, Kacsir István, Kozsup Máté, Nagy Imre, Nagy Sándor, Bényei Attila Csaba, Kováts Éva, Farkas Etelka
Megjegyzések:Sixteen cobalt(III) complexes incorporating one of the investigated 4N donor tripodal amines in the presence or absence of differently substituted hydroxamates have been synthesized and the effect of the nature of the N-donor, size of the chelates formed and the effect of the type of the substituent(s) at the hydroxamate moiety on the redox properties of the complexes have been studied. The crystal and molecular structures of the new complexes, [Co(unspenp)(H2O)Cl]Cl2.H2O (4), [Co(tren)(phebha)](ClO4)2 (11), [Co(tpa)(bha)](ClO4)2?C2H5OH?H2O (15) and [Co(tpa)(phebha)](ClO4)2 (16) have also been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction method. Cyclic voltammetric (CV) results indicated the irreversible reduction of Co(III) in all the investigated complexes. Out of the four studied tripodal amines, abap was found to decrease the Co(III/II) reduction potential far below the region of bioreductants. Decreasing of two of the chains by one CH2 in tren compared to abap resulted in less negative reduction potential of the corresponding complex. Further positive shift was observed by introducing two (uns-penp), and especially three (tpa) ?-back-bonding pyridyl rings into the chains of tetramines. In agreement with literature results, the 3+ oxidation state of the central cobalt ion was found to be extremely stabilized in the ternary complexes containing the doubly deprotonated benzohydroximate, but the metal ion is significantly more reducible in the ternary complexes with mono-deprotonated benzohydroxamate/derivative ligands. Measurable effect was not found on the redox potential via introduction of chloro or nitro substituents in para position into the phenyl moiety of bha? (Cl-bha? and NO2-bha? ). Significant positive shift (ca. 200 mV) was obtained, however, when RN = H was replaced by a phenyl ring in phebha? therefore complexes with this latter ligand can be likely candidates for the in vitro releasing of hydroxamates with proven biological activity.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Inorganica Chimica Acta. - 472 (2018), p. 234-242. -
További szerzők:Kacsir István (1994-) (vegyész) Kozsup Máté (1992-) (Okleveles vegyész) Nagy Imre (1992-) (vegyész analitikus) Nagy Sándor (1993-) (vegyész) Bényei Attila (1962-) (vegyész) Kováts Éva (1977-) (vegyész) Farkas Etelka (1948-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00008
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM099410
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85028446497 (WoS)000424293700012
Első szerző:Sanna, Daniele (vegyész)
Cím:Speciation in aqueous solution and interaction with low and high molecular mass blood bioligands of [V IV O(oda)(H 2 O) 2 ], a V compound with in vitro anticancer activity / Daniele Sanna, Valeria Ugone, Péter Buglyó, Sándor Nagy, István Kacsir, Eugenio Garribba
Megjegyzések:In this work the speciation in aqueous solution of the compound [VIVO(oda)(H2O)2], where oda is oxydiacetate dianion (OOCCH2)2O, which shows in vitro anticancer activity, was studied. Its interaction with the two serum bioligands with highest affinity for VIV, lactic (Hlact) and citric (H3citr) acid, and with the two proteins candidate to participate to the transport of VIVO compounds in the organism, transferrin (hTf) and albumin (HSA), was also examined. The study was carried out with the combined application of spectroscopic (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, EPR), analytical (pH-potentiometry) and computational (Density Functional Theory, DFT) methods. The results showed that in aqueous solution [VO(oda)(H2O)2] undergoes hydrolysis above pH 4-5 with formation of the EPR-active species [(VO)2(oda)2(OH)2]2- around pH 6 and of [(VO)2(OH)5]- at physiological pH. DFT calculations suggested that the most stable isomers of 1:1 species are the hexa-coordinated OC-6-23 with a mer arrangement of oda - similar to that observed in the solid state - and the penta-coordinated SPY-5-14, whereas for 1:2 species the fac arrangement of oda is favored. Citrate is able to displace completely the oda ligand in [VO(oda)(H2O)2] and only the dinuclear species [(VO)2(citrH-1)2]4- was detected at pH 7.4, while with lactate the formation of a mixed complex VIVO-oda-lact was observed. [VO(oda)(H2O)2] interacts with apo-transferrin forming a mixed complex (VO)(hTf)(oda) where vanadium is bound in the iron sites and oda behaves as a synergistic anion, while with albumin no interaction was revealed. Model calculations suggest that when [VO(oda)(H2O)2] is administered orally (concentration ca. 1-10?M) or by injection (concentration approximately in the range 10-100?M), (VO)(hTf) and (VO)2(hTf) should be formed; these species could reach the target organs and be recognized by the hTf receptors of the cells, favoring the vanadium uptake.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Inorganica Chimica Acta. - 472 (2018), p. 127-138. -
További szerzők:Ugone, Valeria Buglyó Péter (1965-) (vegyész) Nagy Sándor (1993-) (vegyész) Kacsir István (1994-) (vegyész) Garribba, Eugenio
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