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001-es BibID:BIBFORM109257
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85149477136 (WoS)000942239000001
Első szerző:Csernus Brigitta (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök)
Cím:Capsanthin supplementation modulates the immune response in broiler chickens under Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide challenge / Brigitta Csernus, Csaba Szabó, Renáta Knop, Reda Gebrehaweria Kidane, Sawadi Fransisco Ndunguru, Gabriella Gulyás, Xénia Erika Ozsváth, Levente Czeglédi
Megjegyzések:Due to the legislation of antibiotic usage, natural substances are required for application in the poultry industry. Because of their potential anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, carotenoids are great sources. Capsanthin, a major carotenoid giving the red color of pepper, is a promising feed additive, as it can reduce chronic inflammation. This study was conducted to determine the effects of capsanthin supplementation at 80 mg kg?1 in feed on the immune response of broiler chickens under Escherichia coli O55:B5 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge. Ross 308 male broilers were divided into treatments: control (basal diet) and feedsupplemented groups. At 42 d of age, chickens were weighed and then challenged with 1 mg LPS per kilogram of body weight intraperitoneally. Four hours after injection, birds were euthanized, and then spleen and blood samples were collected. Capsanthin supplement at 80 mg kg?1 did not change the growth parameters and the relative spleen weight. LPS immunization resulted in higher splenic interleukin-1? (IL-1?), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interferon-? (IFN-? ) mRNA expressions. Capsanthin addition reached lower gene expression levels of IL-6 and IFN-? compared to the LPS-injected birds. At plasma level, dietary capsanthin resulted in lower IL-1? and IL-6 levels. These results may indicate the potential anti-inflammatory effect of capsanthin supplementation in broiler chickens.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
broiler chicken
gene expression
Megjelenés:Archives Animal Breeding. - 66 : 1 (2023), p. 103-111. -
További szerzők:Szabó Csaba (1968-) (agrármérnök) Knop Renáta (1983-) (állatorvos) Reda, Gebrehaweria Kidane (Phd hallgató) Ndunguru, Sawadi Fransisco (1980-) Gulyás Gabriella (1985-) (agrár) Ozsváth Xénia Erika Czeglédi Levente (1977-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:TKP2020-NKA-04
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118530
035-os BibID:(WoS)001175647600001 (Scopus)85184758825
Első szerző:Lugata, James Kachungwa (Ph.D hallgató)
Cím:Methionine sources and genotype affect embryonic intestinal development, antioxidants, tight junctions, and growth-related gene expression in chickens / James K. Lugata, Sawadi F. Ndunguru, Gebrehaweria K. Reda, Xenia E. Ozsváth, Eszter Angyal, Levente Czegledi, Gabriella Gulyas, Renata Knop, Janos Oláh, Zoltan Mészár, Rita Varga, Brigitta Csernus, Csaba Szabo
Megjegyzések:Methionine (Met) is an essential and first limiting amino acid in the poultry diet that plays a significant role in chicken embryonic development and growth. The present study examined the effect of in ovo injection of DL-Met and L-Met sources and genotypes on chicken embryonic-intestinal development and health. Fertilized eggs of the two genotypes, TETRA -SL layer hybrid (TSL) d commercial layer hybrid and Hungarian Partridge colored hen breed (HPC) d a native genotype, were randomly distributed into four treatments for each genotype. The treatment groups include the following: 1) control non-injected eggs (NoIn); 2) saline-injected (SaIn); 3) DL-Met injected (DLM); and 4) L-Met injected (LM). The in ovo injection was carried out on 17.5 d of embryonic development; after hatching, eight chicks per group were sacrificed, and the jejunum was extracted for analysis. The results showed that both DLM and LM groups had enhanced intestinal development as evidenced by increased villus width, villus height, and villus area (P < 0.05) compared to the control. The DLM group had significantly reduced crypt depth, glutathione content (GSH), glutathione S-transferase 3 alpha (GST3), occludin (OCLN) gene expression and increased villus height to crypt depth ratio in the TSL genotype than the LM group (P < 0.05). The HPC genotype has overexpressed insulin -like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene, tricellulin (MD2), occludin (OCLN), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), and GST3 genes than the TSL genotype (P < 0.05). In conclusion, these findings showed that in ovo injection of Met enhanced intestinal development, and function, with genotypes responding differently under normal conditions. Genotypes also influenced the expression of intestinal antioxidants, tight junction, and growth-related genes.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
In ovo injection
Intestinal development
Megjelenés:Animal Nutrition. - 16 (2024), p. 218-230. -
További szerzők:Ndunguru, Sawadi Fransisco (1980-) Reda, Gebrehaweria Kidane (Phd hallgató) Ozsváth Xénia Erika Angyal Eszter Czeglédi Levente (1977-) (agrármérnök) Gulyás Gabriella (1985-) (agrár) Knop Renáta (1983-) (állatorvos) Oláh János (1976-) (állattenyésztés) Mészár Zoltán Mihály (1977-) (agrármérnök) Varga Rita Csernus Brigitta (1991-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Szabó Csaba (1968-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:K 139021
Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM106312
Első szerző:Lugata, James Kachungwa (Ph.D hallgató)
Cím:Effect of genotype on the hematological parameter of TETRA-SL and Hungarian Partridge coloured chickens at young age / James Kachungwa Lugata, Xénia Erika Ozsváth, Sawadi Fransisco Ndunguru, Gebrehewaria Reda Kidane, Renáta Knop, Eszter Angyal, János Oláh, Csaba Szabó
Megjegyzések:Indigenous chickens are well known for their dual-purpose function and palatable meat. However, the information on their hematology parameters is lacking and hence hampering the poultry industry production of local breeds. The main objective of this study was to examine the hematological parameters of Hungarian Partridge Coloured hen (HPC) and TETRA-SL (TSL) genotype and determine the hematological reference interval values. This trial was part of the larger experiment where a total of 200 chicks (HPC + TSL) were reared. For this trial the blood samples were obtained from brachial wing veins of 8 chicks of each genotype for blood hematological analysis. The results indicated that some of the hematological parameters such as red blood cells-RBC, white blood cells-WBC, hemoglobin-Hb, hematocrit-Ht, platelets-Plt, lymphocytes-LYM, and granulocytes-GRAN were significantly affected by the genotypes (p < 0.05). The genotype did not affect the mean corpuscular volume-MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin-MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration-MCHC, and GRAN (p > 0.05). The hematological reference interval values were slightly higher in the TSL genotype compared to HPC chicks. It is concluded that genotype has a significant effect on the hematological parameters. The results from this trial will be help and design the baseline reference values for the HPC genotype which will be useful in assessing the health status of these indigenous chickens.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Hungarian Partridge coloured hen
Hematology parameter
Megjelenés:Agrártudományi közlemények = Acta agraria Debreceniensis. - 2022 : 1 (2022), p. 99-104. -
További szerzők:Ozsváth Xénia Erika Ndunguru, Sawadi Fransisco (1980-) Reda, Gebrehaweria Kidane (Phd hallgató) Knop Renáta (1983-) (állatorvos) Angyal Eszter Oláh János (1976-) (állattenyésztés) Szabó Csaba (1968-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-362-16-2017-00001
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