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001-es BibID:BIBFORM098620
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85115131410 (WOS)000696459600001
Első szerző:Armond, Anna Catharina Vieira (PhD hallgató)
Cím:Research integrity guidelines and safeguards in Brazil / Armond Anna Catharina Vieira, Kakuk Péter
ISSN:0898-9621 1545-5815
Megjegyzések:Brazilian research output has been growing annually, and so have its domestic and international research collaborations. Accordingly, it is essential to harmonize research integrity guidance and regulations to ensure research quality. Therefore, this study aims to collect and analyze guidance documents on research integrity from Brazilian research performing organizations (RPO). Research integrity guidance documents, regulations, and policies were retrieved from 60 randomly selected universities in Brazil. The search was conducted via the universities' websites and confirmed by e-mail. The documents were analyzed based on inductive content analysis. Relevant documents from 20 RPOs were identified. 28% of the included institutions have developed their own guidelines or adopted some guidance document on research integrity. Best practices, misconduct and misbehaviors, principles, and institutional policies regarding sanctions differ between universities. The RPOs where research integrity guidance documents could be identified are concentrated mainly in the southeastern and southern areas. The number and distribution heterogeneity highlights the need to increase awareness and create regulatory documents on research integrity in Brazilian universities. Further Research Performing and Funding Organizations' initiatives are needed to foster research integrity in Brazil and harmonize it with international standards.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Research integrity
Research ethics
Research misconduct
Guidance on research integrity
Megjelenés:Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance. - [Epub ahead of print] (2021). -
További szerzők:Kakuk Péter (1973-) (filozófus)
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