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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121764
035-os BibID:(WoS)001198676700001 (Scopus)85191334633
Első szerző:Kamel, Sarah M.
Cím:Acoustic emissions from spin crossover complexes / Sarah M. Kamel, Lajos Daróczi, László Z. Tóth, Dezső L. Beke, Gerardo Gutierrez Juarez, Saioa Cobo, Lionel Salmon, Gábor Molnár, Azzedine Bousseksou
ISSN:2050-7526 2050-7534
Megjegyzések:Acoustic emission from the compounds [Fe(HB(tz)3)2] and [Fe(Htrz)(trz)2]BF4 was detected during the thermally induced spin transition and is correlated with simultaneously recorded calorimetric signals. We ascribe this phenomenon to elastic waves produced by microstructural and volume changes accompanying the spin transition. Despite the perfect reversibility of the spin state switching (seen by the calorimeter), the acoustic emission activity decreases for successive thermal cycles, revealing thus irreversible microstructural evolution of the samples. The acoustic emission signal amplitude and energy probability distribution functions followed power-law behavior and the characteristic exponents were found to be similar for the two samples both on heating and cooling, indicating the universal character, which is further substantiated by the well scaled average temporal shapes of the avalanches.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Materials Chemistry C. - 12 : 16 (2024), p. 5757-5765. -
További szerzők:Daróczi Lajos (1965-) (fizikus) Tóth László Zoltán (1989-) (fizikus) Beke Dezső László (1945-) (fizikus) Juárez, Gerardo Gutiérrez Cobo, Saioa Salmon, Lionel Molnár Gábor (1987-) (fizikus) Bousseksou, Azzedine
Pályázati támogatás:101019522
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