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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121265
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85188648056
Első szerző:Putro, Yaries Mahardika
Cím:Artificial Intelligence in Indo-Pacific / Putro, Yaries Mahardika; Tarigan, Muhammad Insan; Al Asyari, Haekal
ISSN:2355-4673 2621-3710
Megjegyzések:The use of Artificial Intelligence in the military is like two sides of a coin. It can provide convenience and aid in military operations but has the potential to hinder military operations. Dangerous and potentially catastrophic for humanity will be inevitable as no restrictions on its use. The United States, China, Australia, Japan, and India are examples of nations whose militaries have developed artificial intelligence technology. Geographically, Southeast Asia, which is located in the middle of these nations, will experience a significant impact due to its tight maritime borders if there is no international consensus on the military application of artificial intelligence technology. An autonomous or autonomous system to operate this technology will reduce the amount of human control and allow it to operate without any human intervention. It will be a threat to the application of the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law, such as the distinction principle, and proportionality principle. Where these principles are tightly intertwined with human command and control in making decisions regarding the execution of attacks. The article employs normative legal methodology. Furthermore, this paper endeavours to assess the pertinence of principles in international humanitarian law during the era of the artificial intelligence arms race. It also delves into the contribution of ASEAN in upholding stability, peace, and security in the Southeast Asia region, thereby reinforcing the importance of this research. This research emphasises the importance of aligning the progress of artificial intelligence in military contexts with core principles of international humanitarian law. It underscores the need for ASEAN to safeguard regional peace and security by establishing a novel regulatory framework that outlines restrictions on the development and deployment of artificial intelligence for military objectives.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Artificial Intelligence
International Law
Peace and Security
Southeast Asia
Megjelenés:Lentera Hukum. - 10 : 3 (2024), p. 391-432. -
További szerzők:Tarigan, Muhammad Insan Al Asyari, Haekal (1994-) (PhD student)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118251
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85182815305
Első szerző:Putro, Yaries Mahardika
Cím:Satellite Mega Constellations : conflict between Freedom of Exploration and Unsustainable Outer Space Activities / Yaries Mahardika Putro, Popy Andriani, Gusti Salsabila, Haekal Al Asyari
ISSN:2503-0841 2356-4512
Megjegyzések:In the era of space commercialization, the State is no longer the sole actor in international space activities; private companies such as SpaceX and OneWeb are now playing huge roles in these endeavors. The Mega constellation of satellites is devised by these private companies to provide low?cost and low?latency internet services to remote areas. This large-scale deployment is a network of a large number of satellites. Even though this connectivity venture is guaranteed under the freedom of exploration principle of the law of outer space, it is potentially hazardous in terms of problems connected with the accumulation of space debris and interference with astronomy research. Additionally, the legal vacuum concerning these issues is an area of great concern. This research has employed normative juridical research methods along with statutory and conceptual approaches. This study will examine the limits and scope of the principle of freedom of exploration and assess the urgency of ensuring the sustainability of mega constellation satellite projects. Through these examinations, the research aims to present the case for a robust space governance as a part of sustainable development practices.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Freedom of Exploration
Internet Connectivity
Mega Constellations Satellite
Outer Space
Megjelenés:Brawijaya Law Journal. - 10 : 1 (2023), p. 89-106. -
További szerzők:Andriani, Popy Salsabila, Gusti Al Asyari, Haekal (1994-) (PhD student)
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