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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104447
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85140995522
Első szerző:Pándy Árpád (szoftverfejlesztő rendszermérnök)
Cím:Image sensor based steering signal for a digital actuator system / Árpád Pándy, Dávid-Gyula Kun, László Kovács, Gábor Vasváry, Zoltán Pánti, András Hajdu
Megjegyzések:Autonomous driving is an emerging field of research. The related industry is one of the most expensive areas nowadays. The core of these complex controlling systems is the perception of the environment and the usage of actuators for changing supported by sensors to give obvious feedback about the change of state. Steering controlling is such a subsystem. In the real-sized modern car, there are several methods for implementing feedback loops for it, such as torque and angle sensors. In this paper, we concentrate on extending our model-based research and development autonomous vehicle platform ? DAVE to be able to study the hard conditions safely and cost-effectively. This work presents a method for a new sensor signal integrated into our CAN-BUS system to give feedback about the steering movement of the wheels to a digital steering controller using a rear-view camera. The advantage of using a rear-view blind-spot camera is that it is already in place, and no additional hardware is needed to use it as a pseudo angle sensor.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok előadáskivonat
edge detection
semantic segmentation
visual feedback
autonomous driving
position measurement
digital actuator system
sensor development
autonomous vehicles
model sized autonomous vehicles
Megjelenés:2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS) / Fazekas István. - p. 229-234. -
További szerzők:Kun Dávid-Gyula Kovács László (1984-) (informatikus) Vasváry Gábor Pánti Zoltán Hajdu András (1973-) (matematikus, informatikus)
Pályázati támogatás:TKP2020-NKA-04
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