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001-es BibID:BIBFORM094832
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1609 (Scopus)85108460141 (WoS)000660825400001
Első szerző:Barkat, Ayoub (1995-)
Cím:Assessment of Complex Terminal Groundwater Aquifer for Different Use of Oued Souf Valley (Algeria) Using Multivariate Statistical Methods, Geostatistical Modelling and Water Quality Index / Ayoub Barkat, Foued Bouaicha, Oualid Bouteraa, Tamás Mester, Behnam Ata, Daniel Balla, Zakaria Rahal, György Szabó
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Water. - 13 : 11 (2021), p. 1-26. -
További szerzők:Bouaicha, Foued Bouteraa, Oualid Mester Tamás (1991-) (geográfus) Ata, Behnam (1991-) (Geográfus PhD hallgató) Balla Dániel Zoltán (1988-) (geográfus) Rahal, Zakaria Szabó György (1964-) (geográfus, egyetemi tanár)
Pályázati támogatás:TKP2020-IKA-04
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM098770
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)7953 (WOS)000677124200001 (Scopus)85111080828
Első szerző:Benhizia, Ramzi (Phd geográfus)
Cím:Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Green Dam in Djelfa Province, Algeria / Ramzi Benhizia, Yacine Kouba, György Szabó, Gábor Négyesi, Behnam Ata
Megjegyzések:Green walls and green dams are increasingly being considered as part of many national and international desertification initiatives. This paper studies the spatiotemporal evolution of the green dam in the Moudjbara region (Djelfa Province, Algeria), from 1972 to 2019, by using Landsat imagery, Land Change Modeler, and OpenLand package. The future evolution of pine plantations, for the year 2029, was also forecasted, based on an anthropogenic scenario (i.e., anthropogenic pressure is the main driver of the green dam destruction). Our findings revealed that the green dam project was successful for a few years, but, after that, pine plantations deteriorated significantly, due to forest harvesting, livestock overgrazing, and the proliferation of the pine caterpillar processionary, which destroyed most of the reforestation. Land change modeler predicted a huge degradation of pine plantations for the year 2029, and if the deforestation continues at the same rate, the green dam in the Moudjbara region will disappear during the next few decades. Being aware of this threat, the Algerian authorities are now planning to reforest more than 1.2 million ha under the latest rural renewal policy, by introducing new principles related to sustainable development, fighting desertification, and climate change adaptation. We strongly recommend moving away from the singular tree planting focus, to diversifying desertification control methods.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Aleppo pine
green dam
green walls
land degradation
Megjelenés:Sustainability. - 13 : 14 (2021), p. 1-15. -
További szerzők:Kouba, Yacine Szabó György (1964-) (geográfus, egyetemi tanár) Négyesi Gábor (1980-) (geográfus) Ata, Behnam (1991-) (Geográfus PhD hallgató)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115286
035-os BibID:(WoS)001089410000001 (Scopus)85175032448
Első szerző:Borna, Reza
Cím:Mitigation of Climate Change Impact on Bioclimatic Conditions Using Different Green Space Scenarios : The Case of a Hospital in Gorgan Subtropical Climates / Reza Borna, Gholamreza Roshan, Masoumeh Moghbel, György Szabó, Behnam Ata, Shady Attia
Megjegyzések:Urban development and its climatic consequences have caused urban decision-makers to establish strategies to mitigate climate change. The implementation of different green spaces is one of the main strategies to reduce the environmental and climatic consequences of urbanization. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to reveal the effect of different green space scenarios on micro-bioclimatic conditions of a hospital located in Gorgan city, Golestan province. Therefore, in order to determine the position of the hospital building relative to Gorgan's urban heat island (UHI), the location and changes in UHI intensity of Gorgan were determined as evidence of urban expansion. Since 27 July was determined as the hottest day in Gorgan city based on historical data analysis, the climatic conditions during 27 July 2021 were measured using an AR847 data logger installed in the hospital environment. Additionally, four different conditions, including actual environmental conditions of the hospital (actual conditions), along with the application of cypress trees (scenario A), plane trees (scenario B), and Buxus shrubs (scenario C), have been used to analyze the impact of different vegetation species on the bioclimatic conditions of 5 Azar Hospital during two time intervals, including observational periods (1970-2020) and the decade of the 2040s. Finally, spatiotemporal patterns of the predicted mean vote (PMV) thermal index were calculated for the observational period and during the 2040s using the ENVI-met micro-scale model. Results showed that the study site is in the UHI, which can affect the micro-bioclimatic conditions and the patient's thermal perception. For all designed scenarios, results indicate that the average PMV index will increase by the 2040s. However, implementing different green space scenarios showed that the minimum and maximum values of PMV were found in scenario B, of 2.7. The actual PMV conditions of the studied site increased by 3.5. The scenario introduction of green spaces during the 2040s indicates that the average PMV at the hospital site will be decreased by 0.9 compared to the actual conditions. The study proves that appropriate green space strategies can reduce thermal loads occurring due to global climate change and improve the thermal conditions in the study area.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
climate modeling
climate change
green space
Megjelenés:Forests. - 14 : 10 (2023), p. 1-20. -
További szerzők:Roshan, Gholamreza Moghbel, Masoumeh Szabó György (1964-) (geográfus, egyetemi tanár) Ata, Behnam (1991-) (Geográfus PhD hallgató) Attia, Shady
Pályázati támogatás:TKP2021-NKTA-32
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