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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125162
Első szerző:Qorri Dejsi (PhD Hallgató)
Cím:Data-Driven Solution Using Waterfall Model for Farm Data Management in Albania / Qorri Dejsi, Gjermeni Irida, Felföldi János, Tsogtdelger Maral, Mufti Tahir Niyaz, Gashi Njomza, Kovács Krisztián
Megjegyzések:XX Agricultural Science Days Beyond Tiszántó, (2024)(Debrecen)
Agricultural sector remain the main contributor in the GDP of Albania, offering opportunities for local and regional development. Despite this, the agricultural businesses are not taking advantage of big data generated from their farm activities and processes. As such, the objective of our study was to propose a solution for data management with functions of gathering, analyzing, and visualization that can improve the performance of small-medium farms in Albania. The methodology used in our study was the traditional software engineering waterfall methodology which includes the stages of planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. In addition, this study offers a strategic approach that integrates the data management in farm management, emphasizing the importance of sales and purchase data in monitoring and optimizing farm efficiency and effectiveness with practical approach. The UML (unified modeling language) use case diagram was employed to illustrate the interaction between business process and farm management activities. In addition, the C# programming language and ASP.NET framework along with SQL (structured query language) are used to implement functions above mentioned belonging to the design and development steps in the waterfall model. Furthermore, to achieve an efficient and functional management system we conducted a comprehensive SWOT in-depth analysis using quantitative and qualitative variables related to innovation, education, and labor market, drawing on data from Institute of Statistics of Albania, World Bank, and various Empirical studies. The findings suggest that implementing data-driven solutions can enhance the effectiveness of small-medium size farms in Albania. Additionally, the study identifies the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing data-driven solutions to optimize farm management in Albania.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok nem besorolt
data-driven solution
farm management
sales and purchases
C# programming
waterfall model
További szerzők:Irida Gjermeni (1985-) (Lecturer) Tsogtdelger Maral (2003-) (Chemical engineer student) Felföldi János (1968-2024) (mérnök-közgazdász) Mufti Tahir Niyaz (1999-) (Human Resources Management) Gashi Njomza (2001-) (Food Scientist) Kovács Krisztián (1981-) (okleveles gazdasági agrármérnök)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat


001-es BibID:BIBFORM124064
Első szerző:Qorri Dejsi (PhD Hallgató)
Cím:Agriculture Big Data optimization for Small and Medium Enterprises based on a Web Application / Qorri Dejsi, Irida Gjermeni, Ategeka Stewart
Megjegyzések:Agriculture is a critical and strategic sector of the Albanian economy, accounting for 17.68% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021. With the increasing population, the development of Agriculture has become priority and an opportunity for national development in Albania. Nonetheless, the sector still lacks the appropriate strategies and technology to track, collect, and organize farm management-related data points. Therefore, the development of appropriate tools for data collection and analysis is a key factor in order to allow data-driven decisions. As Albania prepares for its accession to the European Union (EU), the digitalization of the agriculture sector will become a key factor to remain competitive in the EU markets. Taking on this issue, we developed a real-time web-based application to help managers and researchers keep track of sales, purchases, and product stock in the agricultural sector. This study presents importance of digitalization in farming knowledge and records management. This web application aims to enable agribusiness actors to make data-driven decisions and facilitate short-term and long-term decisions. Through the application, users can register sales, purchases, add and remove employees, add new products, and see an overview of the products they have in stock. In addition, we have included a feature that provides the user with a quick summary of the daily transactions through comprehensible and easy to generate visualizations. This web-based application was developed in C# and .net framework. The data to build the beta version was collected from small agricultural businesses in Albania.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok előadáskivonat
big data
farm management
internet of things (IOT)
farm records
Megjelenés:XI. Interdiszciplináris Doktorandusz Konferencia 2022. november 25-26 = 11th Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference 25-26th of November 2022 : absztraktkötet = Book of Abstracts / szerk. Kajos Luca Fanni, Bali Cintia, Puskás Tamás, Horváth-Polgár Petra Ibolya, Glázer-Kniesz Adrienn, Tislér Ádám, Kovács Eszter. - p. 117. -
További szerzők:Irida Gjermeni (1985-) (Lecturer) Ategeka, Stewart
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat


001-es BibID:BIBFORM123627
Első szerző:Qorri Dejsi (PhD Hallgató)
Cím:Data-driven Solution for Agri-SMEs Optimization in Albania: A Framework Using C# and .NET / Dejsi Qorri, Irida Gjermeni, János Felföldi
Megjegyzések:The Albanian economy relies heavily on the agricultural sector. However, the lack of comprehensive farm management data reduces Albanian agricultural enterprises' competitiveness in global markets. The purpose of this article is to propose the building of a data gathering, analysis, and visualization application utilizing the C# programming language and the.NET framework. Big data in agriculture can help businesses improve their efficiency, competitiveness, and performance. Drawing on current challenges in Albanian agri-SMEs, it presents a logical structure for a web application designed to improve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in theagricultural sector by easing sales and purchase monitoring while optimizing profitability. The study suggests that data-driven solutions are essential for agricultural optimization in Albania, with guidelines for future refinement and implementation.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
big data
farm management.visualization
Megjelenés:Journal of Agricultural Informatics. - 15 : 1 (2024), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Irida Gjermeni (1985-) (Lecturer) Felföldi János (1968-2024) (mérnök-közgazdász)
Internet cím:DOI
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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