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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119838
Első szerző:Mohammed, Elshafia Ali Hamid agrármérnök
Cím:Survey on antibiotic resistant bacteria in commercial fish ponds / Elshafia Ali Hamid Mohammed; Renáta Bőkényné Tóth; Gábor Kardos; Csongor Freytag; Károly Pál
Megjegyzések:Fish is a valuable source of proteins and commercial fish farms help to satisfy the demand. Hungarian farms produce a large amount of fresh fish every year, in many lakes countrywide. Due to the fish farming activities (the use of antibiotics for curing fish with bacterial infections) and the migrating birds (reservoir of pathogenic microbes), these lakes may be sources of pathogenic bacteria that confer antibiotic resistance. These bacteria may pose a threat not only to the fish but employees and consumers, as well. A joint project of the Institute of Metagenomics and the microbiology laboratory of the Institute of Food Sciences is to perform regular surveys on the microbiological quality of fish farm lake water, with emphasis on the detection of possible AMR bacteria, in accordance with the Farm to Fork Strategy. The survey started in 2023 and 10-10 lakes were sampled in two fish farms, respectively. After filtration of water samples, bacteria were isolated on vancomycine and Eosine Methylene Blue agar plates, then identified by MALDI-TOF. Though, numerous bacterial species were found, no traces of vancomycine resistant Enterococcus isolates were found yet.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:1st Debrecen Online Conference on Infectious Diseases in a One Health context (DOCIDOH) : Book of abstracts. - p. 12
További szerzők:Bőkényné Tóth Renáta (1988-) (biológus) Kardos Gábor (1974-) (absztraktok) Freytag Csongor (1993-) (biológus) Pál Károly (1978-) (mikrobiológus)
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