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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125954
Első szerző:Daoud Abazar Mohamed Ahmed (földtudományi kutató, geológus, geográfus)
Cím:Integrated Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and Geophysical Data for Barite Potential Mapping in Ariab Districts, Northeast Sudan / Abazar Daoud, Ali Mohieldain, Mohamed Abdelkader, Ali Shebl, Aya Shereif, Albarra Satti, Péter Rózsa
Megjegyzések:Extensive scientific inquiries into barite have escalated due to increasing global demand, prompted by its resourceful applications in crucial industries and its association with mineralization of gold and copper. The current re-search utilizes a combination of multi-sensor approaches (Landsat 9 and PRISMA) along with the free satellite gravity data to optimize the detection and delineation of the barite deposit in the Sudanese part of the Nubian Shield. Techniques such as false color composites (FCC), principal compo-nent analysis (PCA), band ratios (BR), minimum noise fraction (MNF), Total Horizontal Gradient (THG), the Second Vertical Derivatives (SVD), and spectral analysis were utilized to distinguish lithological features, displaying the barite occur in association with acidic metavolcanic rocks within the Ari-ab district. Additionally, the gravity methods delineate structurally controlled barite mineralization associated with the north-east deformation phase. Our results were validated through comprehensive field investigations; the find-ings were exceptionally robust , enhancing the development of an updated map delineating additional prospective zones for barite deposits within the study area. The integrated geospatial, hyperspectral, and gravity data are strongly recommended for reconnaissance exploration of barite in other simi-lar regions.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok előadáskivonat
Landsat 9
Total Horizontal Gradient
Second Vertical Derivatives
Megjelenés:Mediterranean Geosciences Union (MedGU) 4th annual meeting. - accepted for publication : - (2024), p. 1. -
További szerzők:Mohieldain, Ali Ahmed Abdelkader, Mohamed M. Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus) Shereif, Aya S. (1994-) (Geologist) Satti, Albarra Rózsa Péter (1956-) (petrográfus)
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