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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121767
035-os BibID:(WoS)000769957000001 (Scopus)85124754177
Első szerző:Abduljabbar, Zaid Ameen
Cím:Provably Secure and Fast Color Image Encryption Algorithm Based on S-Boxes and Hyperchaotic Map / Zaid Ameen Abduljabbar, Iman Qays Abduljaleel, Junchao Ma, Mustafa A. Al Sibahee, Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Dhafer G. Honi, Ayad I. Abdulsada, Xianlong Jiao
Megjegyzések:The World Wide Web is experiencing a daily increase in data transmission because of developments in multimedia technologies. Consequently, each user should prioritize preventing illegal access of this data by encrypting it before moving it over the Internet. Numerous color image encryption schemes have been developed to protect data security and privacy, indifferent to the computation cost. However, most of these schemes have high computational complexities. This research proposes a fast color image scrambling and encryption algorithm depending on different chaotic map types and an S-box that relies on a hyperchaotic map principle. The first step involves converting color image values from decimal representation to binary representation in the scrambling stage by changing the location of the bits according to a proposed swapping algorithm. Next, in the second scrambling stage, the same process occurs after returning color image values from binary representation to decimal representation and generating an S-box with the assistance of two types of chaotic map,namely,a 2D Zaslavsky map and a 3D Hénon map.Thus,this S-box is relied upon to swap the locations of the pixels in the color image. The encryption procedure begins with the production of three key matrices using a hybrid technique that employs two low-complexity types of chaotic map, namely, a 1D Logistic map and a 3D Hénon map, followed by an XORed as a lightweight process between each key generated for the three matrices and the corresponding red, green, and blue image channels. According to the findings, the proposed scheme demonstrates the most efficiency in terms of lowering the computational cost and shows its effectiveness against a wide range of cryptographic attacks.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Pixel mixing
fast encryption
Zaslavsky map
color image
Megjelenés:IEEE Access. - 10 (2022), p. 26257-26270. -
További szerzők:Abduljaleel, Iman Qays Ma, Junchao Sibahee, Mustafa A. Al Nyangaresi, Vincent Omollo Alshuwaili, Dhafer Gheni Honi (1991) (Informatics)(PhD) Abdulsada, Ayad I. Jiao, Xianlong
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121055
035-os BibID:(WOS)001053763200001 (Scopus)85163554647
Első szerző:Al-Ansarry, Suhaib
Cím:Bi-Directional Adaptive Probabilistic Method With a Triangular Segmented Interpolation for Robot Path Planning in Complex Dynamic-Environments / Suhaib Al-Ansarry, Salah Al-Darraji, Asmaa Shareef, Dhafer G. Honi, Francesca Fallucchi
Megjegyzések:Path planning is a fundamental aspect of mobile robots and autonomous systems. Methods of path planning are used in robotics to create a path for a robot or autonomous system to follow from a starting position to a goal one while avoiding obstacles and satisfying any additional conditions. There are many different methods to plan the path, including probabilistic methods, heuristics-based approaches, and optimization-based methods. In this paper, we introduce a novel path planning method called Dynamic Adaptive RRT-connect with Triangular Segmented Interpolation. Our approach aims to enhance the conven- tional Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithms by incorporating an Adaptive-RRT strategy. This strategy involves selecting a random node as a new node to augment the exploration of the tree, thereby improving its coverage of the search space. Furthermore, we employ a Bi-directional scheme to further enhance the convergence time and cost of our method. By exploring the search space from both the initial and goal configurations simultaneously, we exploit the advantages of a two-way search, potentially resulting in more efficient and optimized paths. To improve the quality of the generated paths, our method leverages the Triangular Segmented Interpolation (TSI) technique. TSI helps in reducing the path length and increasing its smoothness by interpolating between the configurations in a triangular segmented manner, resulting in more natural and feasible trajectories. Moreover, considering the dynamic nature of the environment, our method operates within the framework of the Dynamic Window Approach (DWA). By adapting to the changing environment, our approach effectively avoids dynamic obstacles and navigates the robot or system through complex and unpredictable scenarios. We have conducted extensive experiments in various environments to evaluate the performance of our proposed method. The results demonstrate that our approach outperforms the individual RRT and RRT-connect algorithms in terms of computation time (reduced by 90-80%), cost (reduced by 82-63%), and path length (shortened by 17-12%). Additionally, our method exhibits efficient obstacle avoidance capabilities, enabling successful navigation in dynamic environments.
Tárgyszavak:idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Autonomous system
dynamic obstacles
probabilistic methods
robot path planning
Megjelenés:IEEE Access. - 11: (2023), p. 87747 - 87759. -
További szerzők:Al-Darraji, Salah Shareef, Asmaa Alshuwaili, Dhafer Gheni Honi (1991) (Informatics)(PhD) Fallucchi, Francesca
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