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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124592
Első szerző:Daoud Abazar Mohamed Ahmed (földtudományi kutató, geológus, geográfus)
Cím:Exploring Iron Ore and Barite Deposits through Multiscale Analysis: A Case Study in Wadi Halfa, North Sudan / Abazar M A Daoud, Mutwakil Nafi, Péter Rózsa
Megjegyzések:Within the framework of modern mineral exploration, particularly in conflict-susceptible regions, rapid and cost-effective remote sensing has become an available tool for geologists. This paper focuses on the examination of clastic sediments around the region of Wadi Halfa North Sudan, employing an innovative approach that integrates remote sensing, field observations, and petrographical analysis to identify iron ore and barite deposits. Utilization of image processing techniques such as band ratios (BR), false color composites (FCC) were applied for the detection of hydroxyl-bearing minerals, ferric, and ferrous iron oxides (B6/B7), (B4/B2), (B5/B6) and barite (B7/B6) respectively; four types of iron ore and barite with different distinct layers were detected and identified. Petrographical and chemical analysis of rock samples validate the remote sensing findings, indicating significant concentrations of iron ore (46.01% for Fe+2) and barite (63.9% for Ba+), respectively. The final geological map generated by composed bands R(B6/B7), G(B4/B3), and B(B5/B7), R(B6/B7), G(B4/B2), B(B4/B11) in Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel S2 respectively reveals major geological variations between lithological units of different ages with new finding of another resources of iron ores around the study area. Results obtained from the combination of remote sensing and field observations provide valuable information for future exploration and assessment of these critical mineral resources, which are of significant economic importance for Sudan and the region and can be applied for similar areas in other arid semi-arid regions.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:54. Meeting of Young Geoscientists - 54. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja: Absztrakt kötet. - p. 18. -
További szerzők:Mutwakil, Nafi Rózsa Péter (1956-) (petrográfus)
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