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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124621
Első szerző:Gashi Njomza (Food Scientist)
Cím:Quality Evaluation of Muffins Enriched With Blueberry and Cranberry Powders / Gashi, Njomza; Hasani, Endrit; Salihu, Salih
ISSN:2356-7015 2314-5765
Megjegyzések:The use of plant extracts to enhance the nutritional profile and consumer appeal of food products has attracted considerable attention within the food industry. This is due to the fact that its high composition with bioactive ingredients affects the increase in nutritional value and the general acceptability of the product. The main focus of the food industry and researchers remains bakery products due to their high level of consumption and the suitability of combining them with different fruits. Given the prominence of bakery products in consumption and their compatibility with various fruits, investigating the enrichment of muffins with plant extracts is crucial. This was the main objective of this study, to improve the nutritional profile of muffins through berries` incorporation and evaluate the consumers` acceptability for these novel products. In this study, the muffins were enriched with cranberries and blueberries in powder form at concentrations of 3%, 6%, and 9%. Physicochemical parameters (such as weight, height, specific gravity, moisture, water activity, pH, and acidity), color, texture, and sensory parameters were analyzed in these samples, which were also compared with control samples without blueberry and cranberry powder. The results showed that pH and acidity were significantly different (p < 0 05) by the addition of blueberry powder, with pH values getting decreased and acidity values getting increased. The pH of the 9% enriched muffins measuring 5.38 and the acidity reaching 2.47 indicated a notable impact of extracts on the overall acidity level of the products showing comparable results to control samples. Hardness and gumminess as the main texture properties showed notable increase with the addition of blueberry and cranberry powders. Compared to control samples with 8.79 value of hardness, they achieved much higher values, 15.32 for cranberry and 10.58 for blueberry muffins, respectively. Similarly, they scored significantly higher values for gumminess, where cranberry muffins scored the value of 4.39 and blueberry muffins scored the value of 3.38, while control samples scored the value of 3.02. Furthermore, a direct relationship was observed between the concentration of these extracts and redness (a?), while the ratio is inverse for the parameters of lightness (L?), yellowness (b?), chroma (C?), and the value of hue angle (h). This factor is crucial to fulfill consumers` requests for more attractive attributes of such products not only in taste but also in their physical appearance. Therefore, even the sensory evaluation has shown that consumers like samples with higher amounts of cranberry and blueberry, respectively, with 6% (51.7% for blueberry muffins) and 9% (43.3% for cranberry muffins). The evaluation of blueberry samples revealed that the control sample was not the least preferred, primarily due to the lack of a well-defined taste in muffins with 3% extract; however, in the case of cranberry muffin evaluation, the control sample emerged as the least liked, indicating consumers` acceptance of the changes in muffin formulation. This shows the impact of enriching such bakeries with berries for empowering the consumers` attitudes and such product functionality in markets. Exploring the previously unaddressed area of enriching muffins with these berry powders, this research provides crucial information on the advantages, challenges, and nutritional enhancements associated with such formulations, filling a significant gap in the existing literature
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
blueberry powder
cranberry powder
physicochemical parameters
sensory evaluation
Megjelenés:International Journal of Food Science. - 2024 : 1 (2024), p. 1-13. -
További szerzők:Hasani, Endrit Salihu, Salih
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM127799
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85170540924
Első szerző:Salihu, Salih
Cím:Effect of Plant Extracts Addition on the Physico-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Biscuits / Salih Salihu, Njomza Gashi, Endrit Hasani
Megjegyzések:Biscuits are one of the most consumed bakery products that contain a high content of fat, sugar, and different additives that may cause various health problems. This has led to an increased focus on enriching bakery products with plant extracts to improve their nutritional and sensory properties. The objective of the current work was to investigate the effect of replacing wheat flour with plant extracts such as blueberry and cranberry (at concentrations of 3%, 6%, and 9%) and compare with control biscuits regarding the physico-chemical and color parameters. In addition, sensory analysis was conducted to determine the consumer acceptability of the enriched biscuits. The enrichment of biscuits with blueberry powder significantly increased the moisture content and decreased pH values (p < 0.05). Similarly, cranberry-enriched biscuits had a significantly higher moisture content, water activity, and decreased pH values compared to control samples (p < 0.05). On the other hand, enrichment of biscuits with either blueberry or cranberry powder significantly decreased lightness (L*), yellowness (b*), chroma value (C*), and h-value (h) but increased the redness values (a* value) of samples (p < 0.05). Our results showed that with increasing concentrations of plant extract addition in biscuits, the sensory attributes such as odor and taste were significantly improved. The results of the study suggest that the addition of plant extracts to biscuits improved their physico-chemical and sensory properties.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok kutatási jelentés
physico-chemical parameters
Megjelenés:Applied Sciences-Basel. - 13 : 17 (2023), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Gashi Njomza (2001-) (Food Scientist) Hasani, Endrit
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