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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116643
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)464286 (Scopus)85167593174 (WoS)001055045200001
Első szerző:Andrási Melinda (gyógyszerész)
Cím:Comparative study on the deamidation of three recombinant human insulins using capillary electrophoresis / M. Andrasi, G. Vishwakarma, R. Szabo, C. Nagy, A. Gaspar
Megjegyzések:The applicability of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) for the separation of different recombinant human insulins and their deamidated isoforms was studied. The high resolving power of CZE is demonstrated by its ability to separate insulin isoforms differing only by 0.984 Da (different-fold deamidated forms) and even components having the exacts same mass but slightly different shapes (same-fold deamidated forms). From among the several insulins available, humulin, glargine and glulisine were selected for our study because their sequences and chemical parameters are quite similar, however, the small differences present in their amino acid sequences influence the deamidation processes. Using a background electrolyte with basic pH was favourable not only for the separation of the different types of insulin but also for the separation of deamidated protein forms even in a bare fused silica capillary. The LOD values ranged between 0.6 - 0.93 mg/L and 2.17 - 4.37 mg/L for UV and ESI-MS detection, respectively. At -20 - -80 ?C, the deamidation is minimal, but at temperatures above +5 ?C deamidation is accelerated. At +5 ?C only 1-fold deamidation forms could be observed for each insulin. Acidified samples incubated for 1-month at room temperature showed varying levels of deamidation: 1-fold, 1?2-fold and 1?2?3-fold forms for glargine, glulisine and humulin, respectively.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Capillary electrophoresis
Mass spectrometry
Megjelenés:Journal of Chromatography A. - 1706 (2023), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Vishwakarma, Gayatri Szabó Ruben (1998-) Nagy Cynthia (1994-) Gáspár Attila (1970-) (vegyész, kémikus)
Pályázati támogatás:K 142134
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121590
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85187934206 (WoS)001206367100001
Első szerző:Vishwakarma, Gayatri
Cím:Analysis of intact venom proteins with capillary zone electrophoresis - mass spectrometry / Gayatri Vishwakarma, Melinda Andrasi, Ruben Szabo, Peter Hajdu, Vladimir Petrilla, Monika Petrillová, Jaroslav Legath, Attila Gaspar
Megjegyzések:In this work we demonstrated the favourable analytical performance of capillary zone electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry (CZE-MS) for the intact protein analysis of similar venom samples. Venom provides a characteristic feature (fingerprint) of a given snake. Using 1 M formic acid (pH = 1.9) as background electrolyte, minimal adsorption and narrow peaks shapes - thus good separation efficiencies - were obtained for the protein components of the venom samples. The precision of migration times and peak areas were 1.9?2.8 RSD% and 0.8?7.2 RSD%, respectively and the theoretical plate numbers were 32000?238000 for peaks having signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) larger than 50. More than 250 different neuropeptides (7?10 kDa) were detected in the venoms obtained from snakes of 9 different subspecies (belonging either to Naja or Dendroaspis species). The protein contents of the venoms of the same subspecies collected from different geographical regions are similar and differ only in a few (less than 10 %) components. However, the venoms collected from different subspecies (but from the same species) exhibit very different protein patterns: no matches were found in the molecular weights of proteins.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Capillary zone electrophoresis
Mass spectrometry
Snake venom Intact protein
Top down proteomics
Megjelenés:Microchemical Journal. - 200 (2024), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Andrási Melinda (1979-) (gyógyszerész) Szabó Ruben (1998-) Hajdu Péter (1975-) (biofizikus) Petrilla, Vladimir Petrillová, Monika Legath, Jaroslav Gáspár Attila (1970-) (vegyész, kémikus)
Pályázati támogatás:K142134
Stipendium Hungaricum2022_526066
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