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001-es BibID:BIBFORM045007
Első szerző:Papp Mária (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus)
Cím:High prevalence of IgA class anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) is associated with increased risk of bacterial infection in patients with cirrhosis / Maria Papp, Nora Sipeki, Zsuzsanna Vitalis, Tamás Tornai, Istvan Altorjay, Istvan Tornai, Miklos Udvardy, Kai Fechner, Silvia Jacobsen, Bianca Teegen, Andrea Sumegi, Gabor Veres, Peter Laszlo Lakatos, Janos Kappelmayer, Peter Antal-Szalmas
Megjegyzések:Background&Aims: Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies(ANCA) are a non-uniformfamily of antibodies recognizing diverse components of neutrophil granulocytes. ANCA formation might be induced by protracted bacterial infections or probably reflect an abnormal immune response to commensal microorganisms. Bacterial infections are common complications in cirrhosis with high incidence of episodes caused by enteric organisms, therefore, we sought to study the presence and clinical importance of ANCA in cirrhosis. Methods: Sera of 385 patients with cirrhosis of different etiologies were assayed for ANCA of IgG, IgA, IgA1, IgA2 and secretory IgA subtypes by indirect immunofluorescence and ELISAs. Control group comprised of 202 patients with chronic liver diseases without cirrhosis and 100 healthy subjects. In cirrhosis, a 2-year follow-up, observational study was conducted to assess possible association between presence of ANCA and clinically significant bacterial infections. Results: Prevalence of ANCA IgA was significantly higher in cirrhosis(52.2%) compared to chronic liver diseases(18.6%) or healthy controls (0%, p 0.001for both). ANCA IgA subtyping assays revealed marked increase in the proportion of IgA2 subtype (46% of total ANCA IgA) and presence of the secretory component concurrently. Presence of ANCA IgA was associated to disease-specific clinical characteristics (Child-Pugh stage and presence of ascites, p 0.001). During a 2-year follow-up period, risk of infectionswas higher among patients with ANCA IgA compared to those without (41.8% vs. 23.4%, p 0.001). ANCA IgA positivity was associated with a shorter time to the first infectiouscomplication (pLogRank0.001) in Kaplan?Meier analysis and was identified as anindependent predictor in multivariate Cox-regression analysis (HR:1.74, 95%CI:1.18?2.56, p=0.006). Conclusions: Presence of IgA type ANCA is common in cirrhosis. Involvement of gut mucosal immune system is in center of the formation and probably reflects sustained exposure to bacterial constituents.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
bacterial infection
Megjelenés:Journal of Hepatology. - 59 : 3 (2013), p. 457-466. -
További szerzők:Sipeki Nóra (1987-) (általános orvos) Vitális Zsuzsanna (1963-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Tornai Tamás István (1984-) (belgyógyász) Altorjay István (1954-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus, onkológus) Tornai István (1954-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Udvardy Miklós (1947-) (belgyógyász, haematológus) Fechner, Kai Jacobsen, Silvia Teegen, Bianca Sümegi Andrea (1969-) (biológus) Veres Gábor (1969-2020) (csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Lakatos Péter (Semmelweis Egyetem) Kappelmayer János (1960-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Antal-Szalmás Péter (1968-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:T046694
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM089190
Első szerző:Tornai Dávid (hepatológia, biomarker kutatás)
Cím:Increased sTREM-1 levels identify cirrhotic patients with bacterial infection and predict their 90-day mortality / Tornai David, Vitális Zsuzsanna, Jónás Alexa, Janka Tamás, Földi Ildikó, Tornai Tamás, Sipeki Nóra, Csillag Anikó, Balogh Boglárka, Sümegi Andrea, Földesi Róza, Papp Mária, Antal-Szalmás Péter
Megjegyzések:Background & Aims: Patients with cirrhosis are susceptible to bacterial infections (BIs) that are major causes of specific complications and mortality. However, the diagnosis of BIs can often be difficult in advanced disease stage since their symptoms may overlap with the ones of acute decompensation (AD). Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) is released from monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils during activation and has been reported to correlate with activity of various inflammatory processes. We investigated its diagnostic and prognostic performance in patients with cirrhosis and BI. Methods: Sera of 269 patients were assayed for sTREM-1 by ELISA (172 outpatients and 97 patients with AD of whom 56 had BI). We investigated capacity of sTREM-1 to identify patients with BI and conducted a 90-day follow-up observational study to assess its possible association with short-term mortality. Results: sTREM-1 levels were significantly higher in patients with more severe liver disease, BI, and acute-on-chronic liver failure than in patients without these conditions. sTREM-1 had similar accuracy to CRP identifying BI [sTREM-1: AUROC (95%CI) 0.804 (0.711-0.897), p<0.0001, CRP: 0.791 (0.702-0.881) p<0.0001)] among AD patients. The combination of these two molecules and the presence of ascites into a composite score significantly increased their discriminative power (AUROC:0.878, 95%CI:0.812-0.944, p<0.0001). High sTREM-1 level (>660 pg/mL) was an independent predictor of 90-day mortality in patients with BI [HR: 2.941, (95%CI: 1.009-8.573), p=0.048] in our multivariate model. Conclusions: Use of sTREM-1 could increase the recognition of BIs in cirrhosis and help clinicians in mortality risk assessment of these patients.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
bacterial infection
acute decompensation
Megjelenés:Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology. - 45 : 5 (2021), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Vitális Zsuzsanna (1963-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Jónás Alexa Janka Tamás Földi Ildikó (1981-) (orvos) Tornai Tamás István (1984-) (belgyógyász) Sipeki Nóra (1987-) (általános orvos) Csillag Anikó (1979-) (immunológus, biológus, angol-magyar szakfordító) Balogh Boglárka (1993-) (belgyógyász) Sümegi Andrea (1969-) (biológus) Földesi Róza (1967-) (klinikai laboratóriumi kutató, PhD hallgató) Papp Mária (1975-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Antal-Szalmás Péter (1968-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00048
EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016- 00022
EFOP- 3.6.2-16-2017-00006
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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