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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119520
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85187395521 (WoS)001202193500001
Első szerző:Dibello, Estefanía
Cím:Selenosugars targeting the infective stage of Trypanosoma brucei with high selectivity / Estefaní Dibello, Natalia Oddone, Jaime Franco, Tünde-Zit Illyés, Andrea Medeiros, Attila Kiss, Fanni Hőgye, Katalin E. Kövér, László Szilágyi, Marcelo A. Comini
Megjegyzések:Earlier evidences showed that diglycosyl diselenides are active against the infective stage of African trypanosomes (top hits IC50 0.5 and 1.5 ?M) but poorly selective (selectivity index <10). Here we extended the study to 33 new seleno-glycoconjugates with the aim to improve potency and selectivity. Three selenoglycosides and three glycosyl selenenylsulfides displayed IC50 against bloodstream Trypanosoma brucei in the sub-?M range (IC50 0.35?0.77 ?M) and four of them showed an improved selectivity (selectivity index >38-folds vs. murine and human macrohages). For the glycosyl selenylsulfides, the anti-trypanosomal activity was not significantly influenced by the nature of the moiety attached to the sulfur atom. Except for a quinoline-, and to a minor extent a nitro-derivative, the most selective hits induced a rapid (within 60 min) and marked perturbation of the LMWTredox homeostasis. The formation of selenenylsulfide glycoconjugates with free thiols has been identified as a potential mechanism involved in this process.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Bloodstream trypanosoma
Redox biosensor
Oxidative stress
Megjelenés:International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance. - 24 (2024), p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Oddone, Natalia Franco, Jaime Illyés Tünde Zita (1970-) (kémia-fizika szakos tanár) Medeiros, Andrea Kiss-Szikszai Attila (1975-) (vegyész, műszeres-analitikus szakvegyész) Hőgye Fanni Kövér Katalin, E. (1956-2023) (vegyész) Szilágyi László (1941-) (vegyész) Comini, Marcelo A.
Pályázati támogatás:NN-128368
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070148
035-os BibID:(WoS)000417355700006 (Scopus)85027587451
Első szerző:Franco, Jaime
Cím:Diglycosyl diselenides alter redox homeostasis and glucose consumption of infective African trypanosomes / Jaime Franco, Florencia Sardi, László Szilágyi, Katalin E. Kövér, Krisztina Fehér, Marcelo A. Comini
Megjegyzések:With the aim to develop compounds able to target multiple metabolic pathways and, thus, to lower the chances of drug resistance, we investigated the anti-trypanosomal activity and selectivity of a series of symmetric diglycosyl diselenides and disulfides. Of 18 compounds tested the fully acetylated forms of di-?-D-glucopyranosyl and di-?-D-galactopyranosyl diselenides (13 and 15, respectively) displayed strong growth inhibition against the bloodstream stage of African trypanosomes (EC50 0.54 ?M for 13 and 1.49 ?M for 15) although with rather low selectivity (SI <10 assayed with murine macrophages). Nonacetylated versions of the same sugar diselenides proved to be, however, much less efficient or completely inactive to suppress trypanosome growth. Significantly, the galactosyl (15), and to a minor extent the glucosyl (13), derivative inhibited glucose catabolism but not its uptake. Both compounds induced redox unbalance in the pathogen. In vitro NMR analysis indicated that diglycosyl diselenides react with glutathione, under physiological conditions, via formation of selenenylsulfide bonds. Our results suggest that non-specific cellular targets as well as components actors of the glucose and the redox metabolism of the parasite may be affected. These molecules are therefore promising leads for the development of novel multitarget antitrypanosomal agents.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Trypanosome inhibition
Megjelenés:International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance. - 7 : 3 (2017), p. 303-313. -
További szerzők:Sardi, Florencia Szilágyi László (1941-) (vegyész) Kövér Katalin, E. (1956-2023) (vegyész) Fehér Krisztina (1974-) (vegyész) Comini, Marcelo A.
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA-109671
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