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001-es BibID:
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Nurul, Amalina Nadya (MSC hallgató)
Cultivating Sustainability: Exploring the Potential of Microalgae for Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture / Nadya Nurul Amalina Nadya, Péter Tamás Nagy, Tamás Magyar
Sustainability has emerged as a paramount global concern, underlying the establishment of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, aimed at fostering prosperity for both humanity and the planet. Microalgae play a pivotal role in advancing these SDGs, serving as photosynthetic organisms capable of harnessing sunlight to fix carbon and synthesize a diverse array of organic compounds essential across various industries. The potential offers significant support for several SDGs, notably SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), and SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy). In addition to improving nutrition and supporting sustainable farming methods like deserving as substitute sources of food and feed, SDG 2 aims to address concerns related to global food security. Moreover, microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems aid in the removal of pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus, facilitate water recovery, and enable the reuse of growth media, aligning with the objectives of SDG 6. Additionally, leveraging the high lipid content of algal biomass, these versatile microorganisms can be converted into various biofuels, including ethanol and methane, thereby advancing SDG 7's agenda of promoting clean and affordable energy sources. Incorporating Chlorella vulgaris culture into biofuel production facilities and wastewater treatment plants offers a viable way to address the problems of water pollution and energy demand in a sustainable manner. In addition, microalgae are becoming important sources of biostimulants and biofertilizers for agriculture, which will help achieve SDG 12 by increasing crop productivity and encouraging healthier plants. Their capacity to flourish in a variety of settings, such as wastewater treatment plants and fermentation units, might lessen detrimental effects on ecological and food chain systems, hence advancing SDGs 14 and 15. Microalgae farming has the potential to help eradicate poverty because of its suitability for low-energy, economical systems and its ease of cultivation (SDG 1). Numerous techniques for the experimental, laboratory, and industrial growth of microalgae have been developed in recent decades. These applications include the manufacture of bioplastics, biofuels, aquaculture, wastewater bioremediation, medicines, and cosmeceuticals. However, several environmental and nutritional parameters, including pH and CO2 concentration in the nutrient solution, pose challenges to the synthesis of microalgae biomass. Therefore, research into the effects of varying pH levels and CO2 injections on the cultivation of microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) is essential. Based on the experimental findings presented in this study, it was observed that the combination of 2 ml min-1 of CO2 injection with an alkaline pH nutrient solution, when optimized in the BE4 reactor, led to a notable increase in the total chlorophyll concentration, indicative of enhanced microalgae growth. Subsequently, the stability of the solution was investigated under three distinct storage conditions, namely the basement, fridge, and room temperature. Consequently, it was revealed that storing the solution in the fridge resulted in a deceleration of microalgae deterioration, thereby extending its shelf life. This finding holds promise for expediting cultivation processes, fostering higher biomass generation, and thereby contributing to the broader goal of sustainability within microalgae-based industries.
9789634906254 (elektronikus) 9789634906247 (nyomtatott)
Műszaki tudományok
Agrárműszaki tudományok
wastewater Treatment
"Fenntartható Gazdaság - Fenntartható Társadalom" Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia : 30 éves a debreceni közgazdasági és üzleti felsőoktatási képzés : Absztrakt kötet = "Sustainable Economy - Sustainable Society" International Scientific Conference : Celebrating 30Yers of Economics and Business Higher Education in Debrecen / Szenderák János, Erdey László, Fenyves Veronika. - p. 35-36. -
További szerzők:
Nagy Péter Tamás (1970-) (vegyész)
Magyar Tamás (1987-) (környezetmérnök)
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Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Nurul, Amalina Nadya (MSC hallgató)
Advances in biomass growth of Chlorella vulgaris under various CO2 and pH achieving sustainable microalgae cultivation / Nadya Nurul Amalina, Péter Tamás Nagy, Tamás Magyar
Microalgae have an increasing interest in various sectors. They are photosynthetic organisms that utilize the sunlight to make various organic compounds from carbon fixation. Microalgae can be beneficial for the sustainability; it can assist with the achieving of several SDGs such as zero hunger (SDG-2), clean water and sanitation (SDG-6) as well as affordable and clean energy (SGD-7). However, the production of microalgae biomass is limited due to various nutritional and environmental conditions such as pH and CO2 concentration in the nutrient solution. So it is crucial to investigate the effects of different pH level and CO2 injections on microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) cultivation. The aim of this research was to investigate the biomass growth of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae with special regards to the pH level of the nutrient solution (7, 9.6, 10.2 and 11.0) and CO2 injection (0 ml/min, 2 ml/min, 3.5 ml/min and 5 ml/min). The samples were investigated over a 6 weeks of period from a chemical as well as biological point of view. For the chemical measurements, PF-12 plus photometer with VisoColor test kits were used and the following parameters were measured: NH4+, NO3-, K+, PO43-, chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH and electric conductivity (EC). AlgaeToximeter II was used to determine the biological parameters such as chlorophyll concentration in different microalgae classes and microalgae activity rate. Moreover, the change in chlorophyll A was tracked over the examination period by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Based on the experiments performed in this study, the highest biomass growth was achieved in case of the 2 ml min-1 of CO2 injected sample with the value of 2,211 ?g L-1 in chlorophyll concentration, followed by the 3.5 ml min-1 of CO2 injected sample (1,504.6 ?g L-1 in chlorophyll concentration). Comparing the sample of 2 ml min-1 of CO2 injection to the control one (0 ml min-1), the biomass increase was found to be +60.8%, however the injected CO2 drastically decreased the microalgae activity rate from the initial value of 66.6% to 35.23%. Variable pH also had a significant effect on the biomass growth of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae. Neutral pH (7) resulted in the highest chlorophyll concertation with the value of 1,853.5 ?g L-1, moreover it was found that alkaline pH (9.6, 10.2 and 11.0) could have an impulsive stimulation effect on the biomass increase in the first 10 days. In the future, combining the 2 ml min-1 of CO2 injection with an alkaline pH nutrient solution could be a promising solution in order to shorten the cultivation time, while resulting in higher biomass generation, thus contributing to the sustainability.
Műszaki tudományok
Agrárműszaki tudományok
biomass growth
microalgae cultivation
nutrient solution
Absztraktkötet : III. Környezet, Egészség, Biztonság (EHS) Nemzetközi Szimpózium = Book of abstracts : 3rd International Symposium on Environmental, Health and Safety (ISEHS). - p. 22.
További szerzők:
Nagy Péter Tamás (1970-) (vegyész)
Magyar Tamás (1987-) (környezetmérnök)
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