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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114420
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1717 (WoS)001079872300001 (Scopus)85172208850
Első szerző:Alaya, Amina (PhD student)
Cím:Phytoconstituent Profiles Associated with Relevant Antioxidant Potential and Variable Nutritive Effects of the Olive, Sweet Almond, and Black Mulberry Gemmotherapy Extracts / Amina Aleya, Emőke Mihok, Bence Pecsenye, Maria Jolji, Attila Kertész, Péter Bársony, Szabolcs Vígh, Zoltán Cziaky, Anna-Beáta Máthé, Ramona Flavia Burtescu, Neli-Kinga Oláh, Andreea-Adriana Neamtu, Violeta Turcus, Endre Máthé
Megjegyzések:The extracts of whole plants or specific organs from different plant species are gaining increasing attention for their phytotherapy applications. Accordingly, we prepared standardized gemmotherapy extracts (GTEs) from young shoots/buds of olive (Olea europaea), sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus), and black mulberry (Morus nigra), and analyzed the corresponding phytonutrient profiles. We identified 42, 103, and 109 phytonutrients in the olive, almond, and black mulberry GTEs, respectively, containing amino acids, vitamins, polyphenols, flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids, iridoids, carboxylic acids, lignans, terpenoids, and others. In order to assess the physiological effects generated by the GTEs, we developed a translational nutrition model based on Drosophila melanogaster and Cyprinus carpio. The results indicate that GTEs could influence, to a variable extent, viability and ATP synthesis, even though both are dependent on the specific carbohydrate load of the applied diet and the amino acid and polyphenol pools provided by the GTEs. It seems, therefore, likely that the complex chemical composition of the GTEs offers nutritional properties that cannot be separated from the health-promoting mechanisms that ultimately increase viability and survival. Such an approach sets the paves the way for the nutritional genomic descriptions regarding GTE-associated health-promoting effects.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Olea europaea
Prunus amygdalus
Morus nigra
Drosophila melanogaster
Cyprinus carpio
gemmotherapy extract
antihyperglycemic effect
essential amino acid
Megjelenés:Antioxidants. - 12 : 9 (2023), p. 1-36. -
További szerzők:Mihók Emőke (1989-) (élelmiszermérnök) Pecsenye Bence (1992-) (vegyészmérnök, vegyész analitikus) Jolji, Maria Kertész Attila (1988-) Bársony Péter (1975-) (agrármérnök) Vigh Szabolcs (1981-) (élelmiszer-minőségbiztosító agrármérnök) Cziáky Zoltán Máthé Anna Beáta (1995-) (egészségpszichológus) Burtescu, Ramona Flavia Oláh Neli Kinga Neamtu, Andreea-Adriana Turcuş, Violeta Máthé Endre (1964-) (genetikus, molekuláris sejtbiológus)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117684
Első szerző:Jolji, Maria
Cím:Development and comparative analysis of protein-polyphenol-fibre bars as nutritional supplements suitable for healthy senior consumers / M. Jolji, B. Pecsenye, Z. Mposula, A. Aleya, T. Kiss, E. Mathé
ISSN:1844-7449 2066-7744
Megjegyzések: The number of elderly people is steadily increasing in developing countries though the specific age-related challenges of nutrition fail to get properly addressed in the case of senior citizens. Accordingly, we have developed protein-polyphenol dietary fibre (PPF) bars using two kinds of protein mixtures (1 and 2) and some food additives, such as the banana powder, freeze-dried strawberries, coconut powder, Dutch cacao powder, and vanilla cookies, as they can interfere with the texture of bars and the flavour as well. The used food additives are also a source of polyphenols and dietary fibres that would enhance the nutritive values of the bars. The texture properties, such as hardness and cutting force, were assessed, and the results indicated a significant difference (P < 0.05) among the bars, offering important hints about their suitability for the elderly. Also, significant differences were observed for the polyphenol content of the bars that would stress their increased nutritional relevance too. On average, the sensorial evaluation showed the developed bars of moderate acceptability, while Bar 3 and 6 had the highest scores for colour, texture, flavour, and aroma. Conversely, Bar 1 recorded the lowest values for all assessed criteria. Interestingly, Bar 3 with freeze-dried strawberries and Bar 6 with Dutch cacao powder were the most appreciated flavours and contained in the range of 25-28% protein, 17-23% carbohydrate, 15-21% lipids, and 15-23% dietary fibre, which also indicates their nutritionally balanced nature. Furthermore, the above-mentioned macronutrient content ensures approximately 400 Kcal/100g per PPF bar, while through their polyphenol and flavonoid yield their health-promoting effect gets substantiated.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
protein bar
nutritional supplement
senior consumer
antioxidant activity
Megjelenés:Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Alimentaria. - 16 : 1 (2023), p. 103-125. -
További szerzők:Pecsenye Bence (1992-) (vegyészmérnök, vegyész analitikus) Mposula, Zibuyile (1991-) (phd hallgató) Alaya, Amina (1992-) (PhD student) Kiss T. Máthé Endre (1964-) (genetikus, molekuláris sejtbiológus)
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