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001-es BibID:BIBFORM004306
Első szerző:Posta László (agrárökonómus)
Cím:The Modifying Role of Land Size and Rural Tourism According to Profit Level of Family Farms : A területi méret és a falusi turizmus jövedelembefolyásoló szerepe a családi gazdaságok vonatkozásában / Posta László, Szabó Bernadett, Buzás Ferenc Ede
Megjegyzések:The agricultural mass-production got into a market crisis by the end of the 1980'ies. The agricultural profit source of rural areas radically declined altogether with the collapse of the traditional industrial regions, thus rural development became a relevant issue for solving crises. Due to the economic and social changes caused by the change of the regime, the communities of agricultural dominance got into a more and more unfavourable condition, which resulted in losing jobs, high unemployment, emigration and aging. While the situation of the more developed regions improved, the disadvantageous conditions of agricultural areas seemed to be conserved, and the unemployment figures in the industry only worsened the situation. Breaking points should be found in structural change, in which bio-production and rural tourism with the joining cultural conditions may play relevant roles. In this paper, we modeled that how many tourism nights are necessary for reaching the expectable profit of a family dealing with only rural tourism; how much area is necessary if they carry out only agricultural activity; and what combination of the two activities is necessary if the family carries out both of them. Rural tourism and agriculture may mean a good profit supplementary opportunity for each other. Under the present condition, rural tourism is not a safe source for livelihood in Hungary; while profit gained from landownership depends on the land size and the profitability level of the produced plant. For covering the expectable profit of a family farm 460 tourism nights and a land size of 70 hectares are necessary, supposing a capacity utilization of 25%.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Vállalkozások Ökonómiája : XI. Nemzetközi Tudományos Napok [The XIth International Scientific Days] : Gyöngyös, Magyarország, 2008.03.27-2008.03.28. / szerk. Magda Sándor, Dinya László. - 2, p. 636-642. -
További szerzők:Szabó Bernadett (1975-) (agrárökonómus) Buzás Ferenc Ede (1968-) (agrárökonómus)
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