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001-es BibID:
035-os BibID:
(scopus)85160402060 (wos)000998417200001
Első szerző:
Vodicska Barbara
Correction to : Real-world performance analysis of a novel computational method in the precision oncology of pediatric tumors / Vodicska Barbara, Déri Júlia, Tihanyi Dóra, Várkondi Edit, Kispéter Enikő, Dóczi Róbert, Lakatos Dóra, Dirner Anna, Vidermann Mátyás, Filotás Péter, Szalkai-Dénes Réka, Szegedi István, Bartyik Katalin, Gábor Krisztina Míta, Simon Réka, Hauser Péter, Péter György, Kiss Csongor, Garami Miklós, Peták István
1708-8569 1867-0687
In the original publication, there are few errors in the figures. The corrections are as follows: Figure 1f: At the SUM row, numbers were missing. They have been added [35 (blue bar) and 18 (orange bar)] as they were originally in the manuscript. Figure 2b: scale, y axis had 00 instead of 20. The corrected figure has 20 as it was originally in the manuscript. Figure 2d: lower left panel?figure part indication was missing. Figure part indicator "d" has been added as it was originally in the manuscript. Figure 2d: scale, y axis had 00 instead of 20. The corrected figure has 20 as it was originally in the manuscript. Figure 2g: scale, y axis had 00 instead of 20. The corrected figure has 20 as it was originally in the manuscript. Figure 3a: scale, y axis had 00 instead of 20. The corrected figure has 20 as it was originally in the manuscript. Figure 3c: scale, y axis had 00 instead of 20. The corrected figure has 20 as it was originally in the manuscript. Figure 3c: under the first bar, x axis, category II, there was n?=?34 instead of n?=?7. The corrected figure now has n?=?7 as it was originally in the submitted manuscript. Figure 5a: ARHGEF1-2 was originally ARHGEF12. In the corrected version it is now accurately displayed as ARHGEF12. Figure 5a: "NG S50" has been changed to "NGS 50" at 2 occurrences. Figure 5a: in the Panel column, LB-AIO has been changed to LB-600 at 2 occurrences to align with figure legends. Figure 5b header: "DNA damage raesponse" has been corrected to "DNA damage response" as originally submitted. Figure 5 a, b and c parts: "MARK" has been corrected to "MAPK" all the three occurrences as originally submitted. Figure 5b: At patient ID 83 and 76 original data has been lost during figure editing. The panels WES and FISH, respectively have been reverted to NGS-600 to align with figure legends and research results. Figure 5b: At patient ID 19, original data have been lost during figure editing. The panel FISH now has been reverted to WES to align with research results as originally submitted. Figure 5c: At patient ID 13, original data have been lost during figure editing. The panel FISH now has been reverted to WES to align with research results as originally submitted. Besides, the corrected figures are as follows: (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.) Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 5 The original article has been corrected. ? 2023, The Author(s).
Klinikai orvostudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
World Journal of Pediatrics. - [Epub ahead of print] (2023). -
További szerzők:
Déri Júlia
Tihanyi Dóra
Várkondi Edit
Kispéter Enikő
Dóczi Róbert
Lakatos Dóra
Dirner Anna
Vidermann Mátyás
Filotás Péter
Szalkai-Dénes Réka
Szegedi István (1969-) (hematológus, onkológus, nefrológus)
Bartyik Katalin (haematológus)
Gábor Krisztina Míta
Simon Réka
Hauser Péter
Péter György
Kiss Csongor (1956-) (hematológus, onkológus)
Garami Miklós
Peták István
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