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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114034
035-os BibID:(WoS)001064163600001 (Scopus)85170284376
Első szerző:Németh Enikő (vegyész)
Cím:Optimization of a nucleophilic two-step radiosynthesis of 6-O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-6-O-desmethyl-diprenorphine ([18F]FE-DPN) for PET imaging of brain opioid receptors / Enikő Németh, Barbara Gyuricza, Viktória Forgács, Paul Cumming, Gjermund Henriksen, János Marton, Beate Bauer, Pál Mikecz, Anikó Fekete
Megjegyzések:We have established a method for nucleophilic one-pot, two-step radiosynthesis of the popular opioid receptor radioligand 6-O-(2-[F-18]fluoroethyl)-6-O-desmethyl-diprenorphine ([F-18]FE-DPN) from the novel precursor 6-O-(2-tosyloxyethyl)-6-O-desmethyl- 3-O-trityl-diprenorphine (TE-TDDPN), which we designate as the Henriksen precursor. We undertook an optimization of the synthesis conditions, aiming to enhance the accessibility of [F-18]FE-DPN for positron emission tomography (PET) studies of mu-opioid receptors. Herein, we report an optimized direct nucleophilic F-18-fluorination and the deprotection conditions for a fully automated radiosynthesis of [F-18]FE-DPN on a modified GE Tracerlab FX FE synthesis panel. Starting from 1-1.5 GBq of [F-18]fluoride and applying an Oasis Max 1cc cartridge for fluorine-18 trapping with a reduced amount of K2CO3 (5.06 mu mol K+ ion), [F-18]FE-DPN ([F-18]11) was produced with 44.5 +/- 10.6 RCY (decay-corrected), high radiochemical purity (>99%), and a molar activity of 32.2 +/- 11.8 GBq/mu mol in 60-65 min.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. - 24 : 17 (2023), p. 1-15. -
További szerzők:Gyuricza Barbara (1994-) (gyógyszerész) Forgács Viktória (1991-) (vegyész) Cumming, Paul Henriksen, Gjermund Marton János Bauer, Beate Mikecz Pál (1956-) (vegyész) Fekete Anikó (1973-) (vegyész)
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