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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121438
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85191005754 (WOS)001170389600003
Első szerző:Cao, Qiang
Cím:Efficacy and Safety Assessment of Intrathoracic Perfusion Chemotherapy Combined with immunological factor Interleukin-2 in the Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer : a Retrospective Cohort Study / Qiang Cao, Jinyi Zhu, Xinyan Wu, Jiapeng Li, Yuquan Chen, Yanwei You, Xiaochen Li, Xufeng Huang, Yujie Zhang, Rizhu Li, Dan Han
Megjegyzések:Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of the gemcitabine and oxaliplatin intrathoracic perfusion chemotherapy (IPCGOR) regimen combined with interleukin-2 (IL -2) for advanced non -small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 460 advanced NSCLC patients from the Yunnan Province Early Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Project (June 2020 -October 2022), assessing the IPCGOR and IL -2 combination. Outcomes were measured based on RECIST 1.1 criteria, focusing on objective response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR), median progression -free survival (mPFS), median overall survival (MOS), and treatment safety. Results: The treatment demonstrated an ORR of 67.4%, a DCR of 97.4%, an mPFS of 8.5 months, and an MOS of 12.5 months. 14 patients underwent successful surgery post -treatment. Common adverse reactions were manageable, with no treatment -related deaths reported. Conclusion: The IPCGOR combined with IL -2 regimen shows promising efficacy and a tolerable safety profile for advanced NSCLC. These findings suggest its potential as a reference for treating advanced NSCLC. However, the study's retrospective nature and single -center design pose limitations. Future research should focus on prospective studies, randomized controlled trials, and long-term outcome assessments, particularly in diverse patient subgroups, to further validate and refine the clinical application of this regimen.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Efficacy and Safety Evaluation
Interleukin-2 Treatment
Intrathoracic Perfusion Chemotherapy
Retrospective Cohort Study
Megjelenés:Journal of Cancer. - 15 : 7 (2024), p. 2024-2032. -
További szerzők:Zhu, Jinyi Wu, Xinyan Li, Jiapeng Chen, Yuquan You, Yanwei Li, Xiaochen Huang, Xufeng (1997-) (fogorvos) Zhang, Yujie Li, Rizhu Han, Dan
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