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Purgel Mihály (vegyész)
Binuclear Pt-Tl Bonded Complex with Square Pyramidal Coordination around Pt : A Combined Multinuclear NMR, EXAFS, UV-Vis, and DFT/TDDFT Study in Dimethylsulfoxide Solution / Mihály Purgel, Mikhail Maliarik, Julius Glaser, Carlos Platas-Iglesias, Ingmar Persson, Imre Tóth
The structure and bonding of a new Pt-Tl bonded complex formed in dimethylsulfoxide (dmso), (CN)4Pt?Tl(dmso)5+, have been studied by multinuclear NMR and UV?vis spectroscopies, and EXAFS measurements in combination with density functional theory (DFT) and time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations. This complex is formed following the equilibrium reaction Pt(CN)42? + Tl(dmso)63+ (CN)4Pt?Tl(dmso)5+ + dmso. The stability constant of the Pt?Tl bonded species, as determined using 13C NMR spectroscopy, amounts to log K = 2.9 ? 0.2. The (NC)4Pt?Tl(dmso)5+ species constitutes the first example of a Pt?Tl bonded cyanide complex in which the sixth coordination position around Pt (in trans with respect to the Tl atom) is not occupied. The spectral parameters confirm the formation of the metal?metal bond, but differ substantially from those measured earlier in aqueous solution for complexes (CN)5Pt?Tl(CN)n(H2O)xn? (n = 0?3). The 205 Tl NMR chemical shift, ? = 75 ppm, is at extraordinary high field, while spin?spin coupling constant, 1JPt?Tl = 93 kHz, is the largest measured to date for a Pt?Tl bond in the absence of supporting bridging ligands. The absorption spectrum is dominated by two strong absorption bands in the UV region that are assigned to MMCT (Pt-Tl) and LMCT (dmso ? Tl) bands, respectively, on the basis of MO and TDDFT calculations. The solution of the complex has a bright yellow color as a result of a shoulder present on the low energy side of the band at 355 nm. The geometry of the (CN)4Pt?Tl core can be elucidated from NMR data, but the particular stoichiometry and structure involving the dmso ligands are established by using Tl and Pt LIII-edge EXAFS measurements. The Pt?Tl bond distance is 2.67(1) Å, the Tl?O bond distance is 2.282(6) Å, and the Pt?C?N entity is linear with Pt?C and Pt???N distances amounting to 1.969(6) and 3.096(6) Å, respectively. Geometry optimizations on the (CN)4Pt?Tl(dmso)5+ system by using DFT calculations (B3LYP model) provide bond distances in excellent agreement with the EXAFS data. The four cyanide ligands are located in a square around the Pt atom, while the Tl atom is coordinated in a distorted octahedral fashion with the metal being located 0.40 Å above the equatorial plane described by four oxygen atoms of dmso ligands. The four equatorial Tl?O bonds and the four cyano ligands around the Pt atom are arranged in an alternate geometry. The coordination environment around Pt may be considered as being square pyramidal, where the apical position is occupied by the Tl atom. The optimized geometry of (CN)4Pt?Tl(dmso)5+ is asymmetrical (C1 point group). This low symmetry might be responsible for the unusually large NMR linewidths observed due to intramolecular chemical exchange processes. The nature of the Pt?Tl bond has been studied by MO analysis. The metal?metal bond formation in (CN)4Pt?Tl(dmso)5+ can be simply interpreted as the result of a Pt(5dz2)2 ? Tl(6s)0 donation. This bonding scheme may rationalize the smaller thermodynamic stability of this adduct compared to the related complexes with (CN)5Pt?Tl entity, where the linear C?Pt?Tl unit constitutes a very stable bonding system.
Kémiai tudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Inorganic Chemistry. - 50 : 13 (2011), p. 6163-6173. -
További szerzők:
Maliarik, Mikhail
Glaser, Julius
Platas-Iglesias, Carlos
Persson, Ingmar
Tóth Imre (1950-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:
OTKA 63388)
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