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001-es BibID:BIBFORM105851
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)2586 (WoS)000902775600001 (Scopus)85144840299
Első szerző:Neji, Chaima (agrártudományok)
Cím:Legume Protein Extracts : The Relevance of Physical Processing in the Context of Structural, Techno-Functional and Nutritional Aspects of Food Development / Chaima Neji, Jyoti Semwal, Mohammad Hassan Kamani, Endre Máthé, Péter Sipos
Megjegyzések:Legumes are sustainable protein-rich crops with numerous industrial food applications, which give them the potential of a functional food ingredient. Legume proteins have appreciable techno-functional properties (e.g., emulsification, foaming, water absorption), which could be affected along with its digestibility during processing. Extraction and isolation of legumes' protein content makes their use more efficient; however, exposure to the conditions of further use (such as temperature and pressure) results in, and significantly increases, changes in the structural, and therefore functional and nutritional, properties. The present review focuses on the quality of legume protein concentrates and their changes under the influence of different physical processing treatments and highlights the effect of processing techniques on the structural, functional, and some of the nutritional, properties of legume proteins.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
legume protein
protein extraction
technofunctional properties of proteins
Megjelenés:Processes. - 10 : 12 (2022), p. 1-27. -
További szerzők:Semwal, Jyoti (1993-) (élelmiszertudományok) Kamani, Mohammad Hassan Máthé Endre (1964-) (genetikus, molekuláris sejtbiológus) Sipos Péter (1975-) (agrármérnök)
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