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001-es BibID:BIBFORM108232
035-os BibID:(WoS)000985396000014 (Scopus)85146613535
Első szerző:Antunovics Zsuzsa (molekuláris biológus, genetikus)
Cím:Synthetic two-species allodiploid and three-species allotetraploid Saccharomyces hybrids with euploid (complete) parental subgenomes / Zsuzsa Antunovics, Adrienn Szabo, Lina Heistinger, Diethard Mattanovich, Matthias Sipiczki
Megjegyzések:Combination of the genomes of Saccharomyces species has great potential for the construction of new industrial strains as well as for the study of the process of speciation. However, these species are reproductively isolated by a double sterility barrier. The first barrier is mainly due to the failure of the chromosomes to pair in allodiploid meiosis. The second barrier ensures that the hybrid remains sterile even after genome duplication, an event that can restore fertility in plant interspecies hybrids. The latter is attributable to the autodiploidisation of the allotetraploid meiosis that results in sterile allodiploid spores (return to the first barrier). Occasionally, mating-competent alloaneuploid spores arise by malsegregation of MAT-carrying chromosomes. These can mate with cells of a third species resulting in aneuploid zygotes having at least one incomplete subgenome. Here we report on the construction of euploid three-species hybrids by making use of "rare mating" between a sterile S. kudriavzevii x S. uvarum allodiploid hybrid and a diploid S. cerevisiae strain. The hybrids have allotetraploid 2nScnSk nSu genomes consisting of complete sets of parental chromosomes. This is the first report on the production of euploid three-species Saccharomyces hybrids by natural mating, without genetic manipulation. The hybrids provide possibilities for studying the interactions of three allospecific genomes and their orthologous genes present in the same cell.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Scientific Reports. - 13 : 1 (2023), p. 1-13. -
További szerzők:Szabó Adrienn (1992-) (biológus) Heistinger, Lina Mattanovich, Diethard Sipiczki Mátyás (1948-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:2020-1.1.2.-PIACI-KFI-2020-00130
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