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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104968
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e12659 (WOS)000782645900001 (Scopus)85133032408
Első szerző:Hábenczyus Alida Anna
Cím:Increasing abundance of an invasive C4 grass is associated with larger community changes away than at home / Alida A. Hábenczyus, Csaba Tölgyesi, Róbert Pál, András Kelemen, Eszter Aradi, Zoltán Bátori, Judit Sonkoly, Edina Tóth, Nóra Balogh, Péter Török
ISSN:1402-2001 1654-109X
Megjegyzések:Aim We evaluated stands of the invasive grass, Sporobolus cryptandrus in its native North American range and its non-native European range, where it is a recent invader. Our aim was to reveal how the species' increasing abundance affects functional diversity and the ecosystem service-provisioning capacities of plant communities in both ranges. Location Sand grasslands in the Kiskunsag, Hungary and in Montana, USA. Methods All vascular plant species and their relative abundances were recorded in a stratified random manner in 1 m x 1 m plots in each range, using the following cover categories of Sporobolus as strata: 1%-25%, 26%-50%, 50%-75%, and 75%-100%. The functional characteristics of the plant communities in the two continents were compared. We performed comparisons of the communities both with and without including Sporobolus. Results Increasing Sporobolus cover resulted in a lower functional diversity and species richness, reduced average specific leaf area and increased the height of whole plant communities in both ranges but these effects were significantly stronger in the non-native stands. Sporobolus also negatively affected the cover of insect-pollinated plant species and the proportion of native perennials, switching the rest of the community from perennial-dominated to annual-dominated. In plant communities without Sporobolus, increasing Sporobolus cover led to a higher specific leaf area and seed mass in both ranges, but average height was decreasing along the Sporobolus abundance gradient in the native range, whereas it was increasing in the non-native range. Conclusions The spread of Sporobolus, away from its native range, leads to the impoverishment of host communities and compromises the biomass and floral resource-provisioning capacity of the vegetation to higher trophic levels. Tackling the spread of this new invader should therefore be a priority task.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
dry grassland
ecosystem functions
functional diversity
native range
plant invasion
plant traits
Megjelenés:Applied Vegetation Science. - 25 : 2 (2022), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Tölgyesi Csaba (1984-) (ökológus) Pál Róbert Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Aradi Eszter Bátori Zoltán Sonkoly Judit (1989-) (biológus) Tóth Edina (1990-) (biológus) Balogh Nóra Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:K-119225
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117119
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85174173026 (cikkazonosító)167675
Első szerző:Lukács Katalin (biológus)
Cím:The ecological footprint of outdoor activities: Factors affecting human-vectored seed dispersal on clothing / Katalin Lukács,Ágnes Tóth, Réka Kiss, Balázs Deák, Zoltán Rádai,Katalin Tóth, András Kelemen, Zoltán Bátori, Alida Anna Hábenczyus,Csaba Tölgyesi,Tamás Miglécz, Laura Godó, Orsolya Valkó
Megjegyzések:In the Anthropocene, humans are among the most abundant long-distance seed dispersal vectors globally, due to our increasing mobility and the growing global population. However, there are several knowledge gaps related to the process of human-vectored dispersal (HVD) on clothing. In a multi-site field experiment covering various habitat types in three countries of Central-Europe, we involved 88 volunteer participants and collected 251 HVD samples and 2008 subsamples from their socks and shoes. We analysed the number of diaspores and species in the samples. Specifically, we studied the effects of site characteristics (variables related to habitat types and season), vector characteristics (activity type, gender, clothing type, shoe type) and plant characteristics (species pool of the visited habitats and plant traits) on the number of diaspores and array of species dispersed. We assessed the habits of people that could be relevant for HVD with a questionnaire survey. A total of 35,935 diaspores of 229 plant taxa were identified from the samples, which indicates a huge potential of HVD in dispersing diaspores across habitats and regions. Most diaspores were recorded in grassland habitats, and more diaspores were dispersed during fieldwork than excursions. Clothing type also played a decisive role: there were more diaspores and species when wearing short-top shoes and short trousers than long ones. Even though our study was carried out mainly in natural or semi-natural habitats, a large number of dispersed species were disturbance-tolerants and weeds and only a few were specialists, suggesting the controversial role of HVD in conservation. At the individual level, people can reduce the number of diaspores through their clothing choices and diaspore removal habits, while providing adequate equipment for staff, operating cleaning stations, and increasing awareness of employees are main ways in which unintended diaspore dispersal can be tackled at the institutional level.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Dispersal vector
Human-mediated seed dispersal
Introduced plants
Long-distance dispersal
Megjelenés:Science Of The Total Environment. - 906 (2024), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Tóth Ágnes Kiss Réka (1990-) (biológus, ökológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Rádai Zoltán (1991-) (biológus) Tóth Katalin (1988-) (biológus) Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Bátori Zoltán Hábenczyus Alida Anna Tölgyesi Csaba (1984-) (ökológus) Miglécz Tamás (1986-) (biológus ökológus) Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:RRF-2.3.1-21- 2022-00006
KKP 144096
PD 137632
FK 135329
FK 142428
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115618
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85174941822
Első szerző:Sonkoly Judit (biológus)
Cím:PADAPT 1.0 - the Pannonian Dataset of Plant Traits / Judit Sonkoly, Edina Tóth, Nóra Balogh, Lajos Balogh, Dénes Bartha, Kinga Csendesné Bata, Zoltán Bátori, Nóra Békefi, Zoltán Botta-Dukát, János Bölöni, Anikó Csecserits, János Csiky, Péter Csontos, István Dancza, Balázs Deák, Zoltán Konstantin Dobolyi, Anna E-Vojtkó, Ferenc Gyulai, Alida Anna Hábenczyus, Tamás Henn, Ferenc Horváth, Mária Höhn, Gusztáv Jakab, András Kelemen, Gergely Király, Szabolcs Kis, Gergely Kovacsics-Vári, András Kun, Éva Lehoczky, Attila Lengyel, Barbara Lhotsky, Viktor Löki, Balázs András Lukács, Gábor Matus, Andrea McIntosh-Buday, Attila Mesterházy, Tamás Miglécz, Attila Molnár V., Zsolt Molnár, Tamás Morschhauser, László Papp, Patrícia Pósa, Tamás Rédei, Dávid Schmidt, Ferenc Szmorad, Attila Takács, Júlia Tamás, Viktor Tiborcz, Csaba Tölgyesi, Katalin Tóth, Béla Tóthmérész, Orsolya Valkó, Viktor Virók, Tamás Wirth, Péter Török
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Scientific Data. - 10 : 1 (2023), p. 742. -
További szerzők:Tóth Edina (1990-) (biológus) Balogh Nóra (1990-) (okleveles környezetkutató) Balogh Lajos Bartha Dénes Csendesné Bata Kinga Bátori Zoltán Békefi Nóra Botta-Dukát Zoltán Bölöni János Csecserits Anikó Csiky János Csontos Péter Dancza István Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Dobolyi, Zoltán Konstantin Vojtkó Anna, E. (1988-) (biológus) Gyulai Ferenc Hábenczyus Alida Anna Henn Tamás Horváth Ferenc Höhn Mária (1963-) (okleveles biológus) Jakab Gusztáv Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Király Gergely Kis Szabolcs Kovacsics-Vári Gergely Kun András Lehoczky Éva Lengyel Attila Lhotsky Barbara Löki Viktor (1989-) (biológus) Lukács Balázs András (1979-) (ökológus) Matus Gábor (1968-) (botanikus) Buday Andrea Mesterházy Attila Miglécz Tamás (1986-) (biológus ökológus) Molnár V. Attila (1969-) (biológus, botanikus) Molnár Zsolt Morschhauser Tamás Papp László (1958-) (biológus, botanikus) Pósa Patrícia Rédei Tamás Schmidt Dávid Szmorad Ferenc Takács Attila Tamás Júlia Tiborcz Viktor Tölgyesi Csaba (1984-) (ökológus) Tóth Katalin Tóthmérész Béla (1960-) (ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Virók Viktor Wirth Tamás Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014
K 119225
K 137573
KKP 144068
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM109975
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)108477 (WoS)001059990200001 (Scopus)85150468431
Első szerző:Tölgyesi Csaba (ökológus)
Cím:Maintaining scattered trees to boost carbon stock in temperate pastures does not compromise overall pasture quality for the livestock / Csaba Tölgyesi, András Kelemen, Zoltán Bátori, Réka Kiss, Alida Anna Hábenczyus, Krisztina Havadtői, Anna Varga, Laszló Erdős, Kata Frei, Benedek Tóth, Péter Török
Megjegyzések:Scattered trees in wood-pastures represent outstanding conservation value by providing microhabitats for a variety of organisms. They also diversify ecosystem services by creating shade for livestock, and capturing and storing carbon. However, trees in wood-pastures are declining Europe-wide and an appropriate legal environment to maintain them is mostly lacking. Here we looked beyond the well-documented beneficial effects of trees and assessed potential ecosystem disservices, which may drive the controversial appreciation of trees. In a grazing exclusion experiment, we assessed the effect of trees on herbage production in wood-pastures from semiarid continental to humid montane areas in the temperate deciduous forest ecoregion, and found that trees have a suppressive effect throughout the year, although herbage nutritive value, as indicated by herbage nitrogen content, seems to be improved in spring. When we up-scaled the local ecosystem disservice on herbage yield to entire wood-pastures, the loss remained below 3%, which is lower than reported gains in livestock production due to free access to shade. Thus, the motivation for the under-appreciation of trees by land managers and decision makers may lie in that trees suppress herbage production, but the importance of this effects is offset by the magnitude of the beneficial services of trees. We recommend current wood-pasture stakeholders to revisit their attitude towards scattered trees and encourage tree planting campaigns and tree-based climate mitigation strategies to consider the protection of trees in wood-pastures and the establishment of young ones in currently open pastures up to traditionally low tree cover proportions, as livestock production is unlikely to be compromised by this action.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Agroforestry system
Carbon sequestration
Ecosystem service
Herbage nutritive value
High nature and cultural value farming
Tree-grass interaction
Megjelenés:Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. - 351 (2023), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Bátori Zoltán Kiss Réka (1990-) (biológus, ökológus) Hábenczyus Alida Anna Havadtői Krisztina Varga Anna Erdős László Frei Kata Tóth Benedek Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:KKP 144068
PD 132131
FK 134384
FK 142428
PD 137632
K 137573
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104976
Első szerző:Tölgyesi Csaba (ökológus)
Cím:A homokfásítás alkonya és az ártérfásítás hajnala / Tölgyesi, Csaba; Bátori, Zoltán; Deák, Balázs; Erdős, László; Hábenczyus, Alida Anna; Kukla, Luca Sára; Török, Péter; Valkó, Orsolya; Kelemen, András
Megjegyzések:A Duna-Tisza közi homokhátságon az 1970-es évektől jelentős szárazodás figyelhető meg, mely veszélyezteti a térség gazdasági termelékenységét és a vízigényes élőhelyek fennmaradását. Jelenleg nincs konszenzus a szárazodást kiváltó tényezők egymáshoz viszonyított szerepéről. A legellentmondásosabb a homokfásítás kérdése, mely a homoki erdőgazdálkodás nagy múltja miatt "tabunak" számít. Jelen munkánkban a homokhátság erdeinek hidrológiai hatásait tekintjük át, és levezetjük, hogy negatív vízmérleget generálnak, így szárító hatásuk megkérdőjelezhetetlen. Míg több, a szárazodásban közrejátszó tényező szerepe csökkenő tendenciát mutat, a homoki erdőké arányában növekszik, így új erdők telepítése nem ajánlott, sőt, az erdőborítás csökkentése indokolt a letermelésre kerülő faültetvények újratelepítésének mellőzésével. A fásítás súlypontját folyóink ártereibe érdemes áthelyezni, melynek együtt kellene járnia azok kibővítésével, azaz az árterek részleges restaurációjával.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Duna-Tisza közi homokhátság
erdős sztyepp
regionális vízháztartás
Megjelenés:Természetvédelmi közlemények. - 27 (2021), p. 126-144. -
További szerzők:Bátori Zoltán Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Erdős László Hábenczyus Alida Anna Kukla Luca Sára Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA-PD-132131
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104972
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)158960 (WOS)000870101000002 (Scopus)85138779460
Első szerző:Tölgyesi Csaba (ökológus)
Cím:How to not trade water for carbon with tree planting in water-limited temperate biomes? / Csaba Tölgyesi, Alida Anna Hábenczyus, András Kelemen, Péter Török, Orsolya Valkó, Balázs Deák, László Erdős, Benedek Tóth, Nándor Csikós, Zoltán Bátori
ISSN:0048-9697 1879-1026
Megjegyzések:The most widespread nature-based solution for mitigating climate change is tree planting. When realized as forest restoration in historically forested biomes, it can efficiently contribute to the sequestration of atmospheric carbon and can also entail significant biodiversity and ecosystem service benefits. Conversely, tree planting in naturally open biomes can have adverse effects, of which water shortage due to increased evapotranspiration is among the most alarming ones. Here we assessed how soil texture affects the strength of the trade-off between tree cover and water balance in the forest-steppe biome, where the global pressure for afforestation is threatening with increasing tree cover above historical levels. Here we monitored vertical soil moisture dynamics in four stands in each of the most common forest types of lowland Hungary on well-drained, sandy (natural poplar groves, and Robinia and pine plantations) and on poorly drained, silty-clayey soils (natural oak stands and Robinia plantations), and neighboring grasslands. We found that forests on sand retain moisture in the topsoil (approx. 20 cm) throughout the year, but a thick dry layer develops below that during the vegetation period, significantly impeding groundwater recharge. Neighboring sandy grasslands showed an opposite pattern, with often dry topsoil but intact moisture reserves below, allowing deep percolation. In contrast, forests on silty-clayey soils did not desiccate lower soil layers compared neighboring grasslands, which in turn showed moisture patterns similar to sandy grasslands. We conclude that, in water-limited temperate biomes where landscape-wide water regime depends on deep percolation, soil texture should drive the spatial allocation of tree-based climate mitigation efforts. On sand, the establishment of new forests should be kept to a minimum and grassland restoration should be preferred. The trade-off between water and carbon is less pronounced on silty-clayey soils, making forest patches and wooded rangelands viable targets for both climate mitigation and ecosystem restoration.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Climate change mitigation
Forest restoration
Grassland restoration
Nature-based solution
Soil texture
Water regime
Megjelenés:Science of the Total Environment. - 856 (2023), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Hábenczyus Alida Anna Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Erdős László Tóth Benedek Csikós Péter Bátori Zoltán
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH-K-119225
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM103398
035-os BibID:(WOS)000520304200001 (Scopus)85081956056
Első szerző:Tölgyesi Csaba (ökológus)
Cím:Underground deserts below fertility islands? Woody species desiccate lower soil layers in sandy drylands / Csaba Tölgyesi, Péter Török, Alida Anna Hábenczyus, Zoltán Bátori, Orsolya Valkó, Balázs Deák, Béla Tóthmérész, László Erdős, András Kelemen
Megjegyzések:Woody plants in water-limited ecosystems affect their environment on multiple scales: locally, natural stands can create islands of fertility for herb layer communities compared to open habitats, but afforestation has been shown to negatively affect regional water balance and productivity. Despite these contrasting observations, no coherent multiscale framework has been developed for the environmental effects of woody plants in water-limited ecosystems. To link local and regional effects of woody species in a spatially explicit model, we simultaneously measured site conditions (microclimate, nutrient availability and topsoil moisture) and conditions of regional relevance (deeper soil moisture), in forests with different canopy types (long, intermediate and short annual lifetime) and adjacent grasslands in sandy drylands. All types of forests ameliorated site conditions compared to adjacent grasslands, although natural stands did so more effectively than managed ones. At the same time, all forests desiccated deeper soil layers during the vegetation period, and the longer the canopy lifetime, the more severe the desiccation in summer and more delayed the recharge after the active period of the canopy. We conclude that the site-scale environmental amelioration brought about by woody species is bound to co-occur with the desiccation of deeper soil layers, leading to deficient ground water recharge. This means that the cost of creating islands of fertility for sensitive herb layer organisms is an inevitable negative impact on regional water balance. The canopy type or management intensity of the forests affects the magnitude but not the direction of these effects. The outlined framework of the effects of woody species should be considered for the conservation, restoration or profit-oriented use of forests as well as in forest-based carbon sequestration and soil erosion control projects in water-limited ecosystems.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ecosystem engineering
forest-grassland mosaic
sand soil
soil moisture
tree-grass coexistence
Megjelenés:Ecography. - 43 : 6 (2020), p. 848-859. -
További szerzők:Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus) Hábenczyus Alida Anna Bátori Zoltán Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Tóthmérész Béla (1960-) (ökológus) Erdős László Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:PD132131
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104961
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e01942 (WOS)000734884900007 (Scopus)85120464270
Cím:Invasion of the North American sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus) - A new pest in Eurasian sand areas? / P. Török, D. Schmidt, Z. Bátori, E. Aradi, A. Kelemen, A.A. Hábenczyus, P. Díaz Cando, C. Tölgyesi, R.W. Pál, N. Balogh, E. Tóth, G. Matus,J. Táborská, G. Sramkó, L. Laczkó, S. Jordán, A. McIntosh-Buday, G. Kovacsics-Vári, J. Sonkoly
Megjegyzések:For the effective control of an invasive species, gathering as much information as possible on its ecology, establishment and persistence in the affected communities is of utmost importance. We aimed to review the current distribution and characteristics of Sporobolus cryptandrus (sand dropseed), an invasive C4 grass species of North American origin recently discovered in Hungary. We aimed to provide information on (i) its current distribution paying special attention to its invasion in Eurasia; (ii) the characteristics of the invaded habitats in Central Europe; (iii) seed bank formation and germination characteristics, crucial factors in early establishment; and (iv) the effects of its increasing cover on vegetation composition. Finally, we aimed to (v) point out further research directions that could enable us to understand the invasion success of this potential invasive species. Field surveys uncovered large stands of the species in Central and Eastern Hungary with most of the locations in the former, especially in the Kiskunsag region. The species invaded disturbed stands of dry and open sand grasslands, closed dune slack grasslands and it also penetrates natural open sand grasslands from neighboring disturbed habitats. Increasing cover of Sporobolus cryptandrus was associated with a decline in species richness and abundance of subordinate species both in the vegetation and seed banks, but a low density of Sporobolus cryptandrus can even have a weak positive effect on these characteristics. Viable seeds of Sporobolus were detected from all soil layers (2.5 cm layers measured from the surface to 10 cm in depth), which indicates that the species is able to form a persistent seed bank (1114 to 3077 seeds/m(2) with increasing scores towards higher abundance of the species in vegetation). Germination of Sporobolus cryptandrus was negatively affected by both litter cover and 1 cm deep soil burial. To sum up, Sporobolus cryptandrus can be considered as a transformer invasive species, whose spread forms a high risk for dry sand and steppe grasslands in Eurasia. We can conclude that for the effective suppression of the species it is necessary: (i) to clarify the origin of the detected populations; (ii) to assess its competitive ability including its potential allelopathic effects; (iii) to assess its seed bank formation potential in habitats with different abiotic conditions; and (iv) to assess the possibility of its suppression by natural enemies and management techniques such as mowing or livestock grazing.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Global Ecology and Conservation. - 32 (2021), p. 1 -15. -
További szerzők:Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus) Schmidt Dávid Bátori Zoltán Aradi Eszter Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Hábenczyus Alida Anna Cando, P. Díaz Tölgyesi Csaba (1984-) (ökológus) Pál R. W. Balogh N. Tóth Edina (1990-) (biológus) Matus Gábor (1968-) (botanikus) Táborská, Jana Sramkó Gábor (1981-) (biológus) Laczkó Levente (1992-) (biológus) Jordán Sándor (1992-) Buday Andrea Kovacsics-Vári Gergely Sonkoly Judit (1989-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH-K-119225
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