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001-es BibID:BIBFORM064084
Első szerző:Nagy Dávid (kémikus)
Cím:Atomization of Cadmium Compounds Under Reactive and Inert High-Temperature Environment with Stationary Sample Introduction / Dávid Nagy, Tibor Nagy, Attila Balogh, Csaba Falussy, József Posta
Megjegyzések:Atomization of cadmium compounds (acetate, chloride, nitrate,perchlorate, sulfate, formate, propionate) was studied using flameatomic absorption spectrometry. Our goal was to study processesinfluencing atomization separately, the focus was on the contributionof thermal properties of substances to atomization. For thispurpose new techniques and equipment have been developed,such as a special separated three-slot burner, quartz flame furnace,and an electrically heated thermospectrometer. According to quartzflame furnace and thermospectrometric measurements, cadmiumsalts do not atomize below 600 8C in an inert atmosphere. We foundthat in the thermospectrometer the atomization of cadmiumcompounds follows at least two different reaction courses. Atlower temperatures (650-700 8C) a slower mechanism is dominantat higher regions of the furnace, while at 800 8C a faster mechanismdemanding less residence time in the furnace becomes dominant.Under inert atmosphere the degree of atomization stronglydepends on the thermal properties of substances
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Atomic absorption
Thermal analysis
Cadmium salts
Megjelenés:Applied Spectroscopy. - 68 : 3 (2014), p. 272-279. -
További szerzők:Nagy Tibor (1988-) (vegyész) Balogh Attila (bőrgyógyász) Falussy Csaba Posta József (1948-) (vegyész, analitikus)
Pályázati támogatás:GVOP-3.3.3-05/2006-01-0198/3.0 fund
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