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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117877
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85181689003 (WOS)001138932000001
Első szerző:Rádai Zoltán (biológus)
Cím:An overlooked phenomenon : complex interactions of potential error sources on the quality of bacterial de novo genome assemblies / Zoltán Rádai, Alex Váradi, Péter Takács, Nikoletta Andrea Nagy, Nicholas Schmitt, Eszter Prépost, Gábor Kardos, Levente Laczkó
Megjegyzések:Background: Parameters adversely affecting the contiguity and accuracy of the assemblies from Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) are well described. However, past studies generally focused on their additive effects, overlooking their potential interactions possibly exacerbating one another's effects in a multiplicative manner. To investigate whether or not they act interactively on de novo genome assembly quality, we simulated sequencing data for 13 bacterial reference genomes, with varying levels of error rate, sequencing depth, PCR and optical duplicate ratios. Results: We assessed the quality of assemblies from the simulated sequencing data with a number of contiguity and accuracy metrics, which we used to quantify both additive and multiplicative effects of the four parameters. We found that the tested parameters are engaged in complex interactions, exerting multiplicative, rather than additive, effects on assembly quality. Also, the ratio of non-repeated regions and GC% of the original genomes can shape how the four parameters affect assembly quality. Conclusions: We provide a framework for consideration in future studies using de novo genome assembly of bacterial genomes, e.g. in choosing the optimal sequencing depth, balancing between its positive effect on contiguity and negative effect on accuracy due to its interaction with error rate. Furthermore, the properties of the genomes to be sequenced also should be taken into account, as they might influence the effects of error sources themselves.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Bacterial genomes
Optical duplicates
PCR duplicates
Sequencing depth
Sequencing error
Megjelenés:BMC Genomics. - 25 : 1 (2024), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Váradi Alex (1991-) (biológus) Takács Péter (1966-) (informatikus) Nagy Nikoletta Andrea (1990-) (biológus) Schmitt, Nicholas Prépost Eszter Kardos Gábor (1974-) (szakorvos, klinikai mikrobiológus) Laczkó Levente (1992-) (biológus)
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