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001-es BibID:BIBFORM107208
035-os BibID:(WoS)000872370100001 (Scopus)85140010447
Első szerző:El-Desoky, Hatem M.
Cím:Multiscale mineralogical investigations for mineral potentiality mapping of Ras El-Kharit-Wadi Khashir district, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt / Hatem M. El-Desoky, Ali Shebl, Ahmed M. Abdel-Rahman, Wael Fahmy, Hamada El-Awny, Anas M. El-Sherif, Mahmoud M. El-Rahmany, Árpád Csámer
ISSN:1110-9823 2090-2476
Megjegyzések:Through various scales of observation, ranging from remote sensing data, field investigations, hand specimens, microscopic petrographic examinations, XRD, to SEM, indicators of various mineralization types are highlighted in Ras El-kharit-wadi Khashir (Eastern Desert, Egypt). Systematic remote sensing explo- ration of the mineralized zones is performed through integrating Sentinel 2 and ASTER datasets. False- color combinations, informative band ratios, relative absorption band depth, and CEM techniques were applied to discriminate rock units and various types of hydrothermal alterations. Moreover, ALOS PALSAR DEM was utilized to decipher the structural lineaments. Intensive field investigations confirmed hydrothermally altered zones that were picked out through remote sensing analysis and revealed that the study area is affected by cataclastic metamorphism to some extent. Magmatic and metamorphic rock types are represented by propylitic, phyllic, argillic, and silicification zones. Sericitization, chloritization, epidotization, kaolinitization, carbonatization, and silicification are recorded utilizing petrographic and remote sensing investigations. Moreover, the current study reveals that the detected alteration is the main reason for the apparent wide range of petrographic characteristics of each rock type and bearing several opaque minerals, such as pyrite, magnetite, titanomagnetite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, covellite, galena, goethite, and hematite. Most of these opaques were identified using ore microscopy, XRD, and SEM. The distribution of hydrothermal alterations, representative samples bearing mineralization, structurally dissected zones are integrated to build a mineral potentiality map of the study area. The resultant MPM was confirmed via field survey and emphasized the usefulness of the current integrated approach besides highlighting about 125 km2 as potential mineralized zones.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Sentinel 2
Hydrothermal alteration
Ore mineralogy
Eastern desert
Megjelenés:Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science. - 25 : 4 (2022), p. 941-960. -
További szerzők:Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus) Abdel-Rahman, Ahmed M. Fahmy, Wael El-Awny, Hamada El-Sherif, Anas M. El-Rahmany, Mahmoud M. Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122872
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:PRISMA vs. Landsat 9 in lithological mapping ? a K-fold Cross-Validation implementation with Random Forest / Ali Shebl, Dávid Abriha, Maher Dawoud, Mosaad Ali Hussein Ali, Arpád Csámer
ISSN:1110-9823 2090-2476
Megjegyzések:The selection of an optimal dataset is crucial for successful remote sensing analysis. The PRISMA hyperspectral sensor (with 240 spectral bands) and Landsat OLI-2 (boasting high dynamic resolution) offer robust data for various remote sensing applications, anticipating their increased demand in the coming years. However, despite their potential, we have not identified a rigorous evaluation of both datasets in geological applications utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms. Consequently, we conduct a comprehensive analysis using Random Forest, a widely-recommended machine learning algorithm, and employ K-fold cross-validation (with K = 2, 5, 10) with grid-search hyperparameter tuning for enhanced performance. Toward this aim, diverse image-processing ap- proaches, including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), were applied to enhance feature selection and extraction. Subsequently, to ensure better performance of the RF algorithm, this study utilized well-distributed points instead of polygons to represent each target, thereby mitigating the effects of spatial autocorrelation. Our results reveal dataset- hyperparameter dependencies, with PRISMA mainly influenced by max_depth and Landsat 9 by max_features. Employing grid-search optimally balances dataset characteristics and data splitting (folds), generating accurate lithological maps across all K values. Notably, a significant hyperparameter shift at K = 10 produces the best lithological maps. Fieldwork and petrographic investigations validate the lithological maps, indicating PRISMA's slight superiority over Landsat OLI-2. Despite this, given the dataset nature and band count difference, we still advocate Landsat 9 as a potent multispectral input for future applications due to its superior radiometric resolution.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Landsat 9
Random forest
Geological mapping
Megjelenés:Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science. - 27 : 3 (2024), p. 577-596. -
További szerzők:Abriha Dávid (1995-) (geográfus) Dawoud, Maher Ali Hussein Ali, Mosaad Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
Pályázati támogatás:K138079
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102809
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85134332656 (WoS)000863998700003
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:Multi-criteria ground water potentiality mapping utilizing remote sensing and geophysical data: A case study within Sinai Peninsula, Egypt / Ali Shebl, Mahmoud Ibrahim Abdelaziz, Hosni Ghazala, Sultan Awad Sultan Araffa, Mahmoud Abdellatif, Árpád Csámer
ISSN:1110-9823 2090-2476
Megjegyzések:Groundwater demand has dramatically increased due to the swift demographic explosion, especially in arid areas, where groundwater is considered the main source for all purposes. Thus, this research integrates climatological, lithological, structural, topographical, hydro-morphological, and geoelectrical data to explore groundwater potential zones in the central part of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt using the GIS-based Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Seven thematic layers of soil moisture, rainfall, normalized difference vegetation index, drainage density, lineament density, slope, and land use/land cover were built from different remote sensing data sets. The eighth layer represents a high-resolution lithological map of the study area, constructed utilizing the power of the support vector machine over Sentinel 2 data and accurately assessed with a previously published geological map. Ground Water Potentiality Map (GWPM) was constructed and highlighted four main areas as promising zones. Comprehensive geoelectrical analysis was executed through seventeen deep vertical electrical soundings (VESs) using Schlumberger configuration, isoresistivity mapping, and geoelectric cross-sections along five different profiles. 3D view of the studied area's subsurface geological and structural pattern with groundwater flow direction specification, and adequate aquifer characterization, revealed four main geoelectrical units. Geoelectrical data results reasonably coincided with remote sensing data findings in highlighting three freshwater potential zones. Furthermore, the study strongly recommends integrating low-cost remote sensing datasets in narrowing the zone to be intensively investigated using further costly geophysical approaches or drilling test boreholes.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Ground water prospecting
Analytic hierarchy process
Sentinel 2
Geoelectric data
Megjelenés:Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science. - 25 : 3 (2022), p. 765-778. -
További szerzők:Abdelaziz, Mahmoud Ibrahim Ghazala, Hosni Araffa, Sultan Awad Sultan Abdellatif, Mahmoud Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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