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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104549
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)105184 (WoS)000881771600001 (Scopus)85142453471
Első szerző:Abdelkader, Mohamed A.
Cím:Effective delineation of rare metal-bearing granites from remote sensing data using machine learning methods: A case study from the Umm Naggat Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt / Mohamed A. Abdelkader, Yasushi Watanabe, Ali Shebl, Hanna A. El-Dokouny, Maher Dawoud, Árpád Csámer
Megjegyzések:Albitized granite (ABG) is considered as one of the most significant hosts of rare metals (RMs). Consequently, adequate recognition of ABG through proper lithological discrimination highly increases the targeting of rare metal resources. In order to delineate outcrops of ABG from satellite data, our study integrates eight image enhancement techniques, including optimum index factor, false color composites, band rationing, relative band depth, independent component analysis, principal component analysis, decorrelation stretch, minimum noise fraction transform, and spectral indices ratios, for the interpretation of ASTER and Sentinel-2 (S2) datasets. This integrated approach allows the effective discrimination of AGB outcrops in the Umm Naggat area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. The interpretation maps derived from these integrated image processing techniques were systematically verified in the field and formed the base for the feature selection process (i.e., training and testing data delineation) of different lithologies supported by the support vector machine algorithm (SVM). In order to produce a high-quality lithological interpretation map, SVM was applied to Sentinel-2, ASTER, and combined ASTER-S2 datasets. The fused ASTER-S2 classification properly delineates ABG, as verified by our field investigations and confirmed by previous geological maps. Furthermore, comprehensive structural analysis (lineaments extraction and their density map) and hydrothermal alteration detection were performed to check the spatial association between the distribution of ABG, higher density zones, and highly altered areas, that in turn, could shed light on new potentially mineralized zones and proposed exploration targets. Our study reveals new ABG occurrences mainly situated in the southern and southwestern parts of the study area, and it confirms the location of known mineralized zones in the northern part of the Umm Naggat region. The distribution of ABG and its spatial correlation with alteration and high structural density zones suggest that rare-metal mineralization is mostly structurally controlled (NW, NNW, NNE, and N-S), demonstrating the higher possibility of metasomatic enrichment of rare-metals within the study area. Our study provides an updated geological map of the study area based on the SVM-supported interpretation of ASTER-S2 data. Importantly, the results reveal a high exploration potential for rare-metal mineralization at Umm Naggat and defining new anomalies for follow-up work by geochemical soil surveys.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Support Vector Machine
Albitized granite
Integrated image processing techniques
Rare-metal exploration
Central Eastern Desert
Megjelenés:Ore Geology Reviews. - 150 (2022), p. 1-26. -
További szerzők:Watanabe, Yasushi Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus) El-Dokouny, Hanna A. Dawoud, Maher Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119706
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85185945562
Első szerző:Dawoud, Maher
Cím:Applications of remote sensing in lithological mapping of east Gabal Atud area, central eastern desert, Egypt / Dawoud, Maher, Khalaf, Ibrahim M., El-Dokouny, Hanaal, Shebl, Ali, El-Desouky, Hamdy A., El-lithy, Mai A.
ISSN:1224-6808 2248-2776
Megjegyzések:The east of Gabal Atud area is covered by a variety of Precambrian basement rocks including Atud Formation, Atud tectonized mélange, metavolcanics, and serpentinites-talc-carbonates. These rocks were later intruded by the island arc metagabbro-diorite complex which in turn is invaded by some dykes. Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A were applied for the first time for lithological discrimination of the exposed rock units in the east of Gabal Atud area. Five image enhancement techniques are applied including optimum index factor, false color composites, band rationing, principal component analysis, and minimum noise fraction for the interpretation of OLI and Sentinel-2A datasets. The integrated image-processing techniques allow the effective lithological discrimination of the east of Gabal Atud area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. The acid metavolcanics have been effectively discriminated from basic metavolcanics and serpentinites through FCC S2 b12-b11-b1, OLI PCA b4-b3-b2, S2 PCA b5-b2-b3, and OLI band ratio (b4/b2, b6/b7, b4/b6). The sandstone facies highlight the fantastic (folding and faulting) structures of the Atud Formation on OLI and S2 images including OLI PCA of b1-b2-b3, S2 PCA of (b2), and S2 PCA of b5-b2-b3. Conglomerate facies can be differentiated from diamictite facies using the band ratio of the S2 (b7/b12). Although, the serpentinites and diamictite have different lithological compositions, they show similar colors in some OLI and S2 images (e.g. OLI PCA b1-b2-b3, S2 PCA b2) but they can be discriminated using other OLI and S2 techniques as OLI PCA b4-b2-b1, S2 PCA b5-b2-b3, and band ratio applications (e.g. OLI b6/b7 and OLI (b6/b7, b5/b6, b4/b2)).
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Central Eastern Desert
Remote sensing
Megjelenés:Geo-Eco-Marina. - 29 (2023), p. 125-146. -
További szerzők:Khalaf, Ibrahim M. El-Dokouny, Hanna A. Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus) El-Desouky, Hamdy A. El-Lithy, Mai A.
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122872
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:PRISMA vs. Landsat 9 in lithological mapping ? a K-fold Cross-Validation implementation with Random Forest / Ali Shebl, Dávid Abriha, Maher Dawoud, Mosaad Ali Hussein Ali, Arpád Csámer
ISSN:1110-9823 2090-2476
Megjegyzések:The selection of an optimal dataset is crucial for successful remote sensing analysis. The PRISMA hyperspectral sensor (with 240 spectral bands) and Landsat OLI-2 (boasting high dynamic resolution) offer robust data for various remote sensing applications, anticipating their increased demand in the coming years. However, despite their potential, we have not identified a rigorous evaluation of both datasets in geological applications utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms. Consequently, we conduct a comprehensive analysis using Random Forest, a widely-recommended machine learning algorithm, and employ K-fold cross-validation (with K = 2, 5, 10) with grid-search hyperparameter tuning for enhanced performance. Toward this aim, diverse image-processing ap- proaches, including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), were applied to enhance feature selection and extraction. Subsequently, to ensure better performance of the RF algorithm, this study utilized well-distributed points instead of polygons to represent each target, thereby mitigating the effects of spatial autocorrelation. Our results reveal dataset- hyperparameter dependencies, with PRISMA mainly influenced by max_depth and Landsat 9 by max_features. Employing grid-search optimally balances dataset characteristics and data splitting (folds), generating accurate lithological maps across all K values. Notably, a significant hyperparameter shift at K = 10 produces the best lithological maps. Fieldwork and petrographic investigations validate the lithological maps, indicating PRISMA's slight superiority over Landsat OLI-2. Despite this, given the dataset nature and band count difference, we still advocate Landsat 9 as a potent multispectral input for future applications due to its superior radiometric resolution.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Landsat 9
Random forest
Geological mapping
Megjelenés:Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science. - 27 : 3 (2024), p. 577-596. -
További szerzők:Abriha Dávid (1995-) (geográfus) Dawoud, Maher Ali Hussein Ali, Mosaad Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
Pályázati támogatás:K138079
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121482
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85192262100
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:Novel comprehensions of lithological and structural features gleaned via Sentinel 2 texture analysis / Shebl, Ali; Badawi, Mohamed; Dawoud, Maher; Abd El-Wahed, Mohamed; El-Dokouny, Hanna A.; Csámer, Árpád
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Ore Geology Reviews. - 168 (2024), p. 1-26. -
További szerzők:Badawi, Mohamed Dawoud, Maher Abd El-Wahed, Mohamed El-Dokouny, Hanna A. Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM111657
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)7406 (Scopus)85157963782 (WoS)001025221700001
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:Towards better delineation of hydrothermal alterations via multi-sensor remote sensing and airborne geophysical data / Ali Shebl, Mahmoud Abdellatif, Mohamed Badawi, Maher Dawoud, Amr S. Fahil, Árpád Csámer
Megjegyzések:Integrating various tools in targeting mineral deposits increases the chance of adequate detection and characterization of mineralization zones. Selecting a convenient dataset is a key for a precise geological and hydrothermal alteration mapping. Remote sensing and airborne geophysical data have proven their efficiency as tools for reliable mineral exploration. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Advanced land imager (ALI), Landsat 8 (L8), and Sentinel 2 data are widely?used data among various types of remote sensing images in resolving lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping over the last two decades. ASTER is a well?established satellite in geological remote sensing with detailed Short?wave infrared (SWIR) range compared to visible and near?infrared region (VNIR) that controls iron?associated alteration detection. On contrary, ALI has excellent coverage of the VNIR area (6 bands), but does not possess the potentiality of ASTER for the SWIR and thermal regions. Landsat 8 is widely used and highly recommended for lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping. The higher spatial (up to 10 m) resolution of Sentinel 2 MSI has preserved its role in producing accurate geological mapping. Notwithstanding the foregoing, implementing the four datasets in a single study is time?consuming. Thus, an important question when commencing an exploration project for hydrothermal alterations?related mineralization (orogenic mineral deposits in the current research) is: which dataset should be adopted to fulfill proper and adequate outputs? Here the four widely recommended datasets (ASTER, ALI, L8, and sentinel 2) have been tested by applying the widely?accepted techniques (false color combinations, band ratios, directed principal component analysis, and constrained energy minimization) for geological and hydrothermal alteration mapping of Gabal El Rukham?Gabal Mueilha district, Egypt. The study area is covered mainly by Neoproterozoic heterogeneous collection of ophiolitic components, island arc assemblage, intruded by enormous granitic rocks. Additionally, airborne magnetic and radiometric data were applied and compared with the remote sensing investigations for deciphering the structural and hydrothermal alteration patterns within the study area. The results demonstrated a different extent from one sensor to another, highlighting their varied efficacy in detecting hydrothermal alterations (mainly hydroxyl?bearing alterations and iron oxides). Moreover, the analysis of airborne magnetic and radiometric data showed hydrothermal alteration zones that are consistent with the detected alteration pattern. The coincidence between high magnetic anomalies, high values of the K/eTh ratio, and the resultant alterations confirm the real alteration anomalies. Over and above that, the remote sensing results and airborne geophysical indications were verified with fieldwork and petrographic investigations, and strongly recommend combining ASTER and Sentinel 2 results in further investigations. Based on the outputs of the current research, we expect better hydrothermal alteration delineation by adopting the current findings as they sharply narrow the zones to be further investigated via costly geophysical and geochemical methods in mineral exploration projects.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Scientific Reports. - 13 : 1 (2023), p. 1-27. -
További szerzők:Abdellatif, Mahmoud Badawi, Mohamed Dawoud, Maher Fahil, Amr S. Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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